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Sloping Agriculture Land Technology (SALT)

by Kushal Naharki | 19-12-2018 03:15 recommendations 0

There are several traditional ways of controlling soil erosion, such as reforestation, terracing, multiple cropping, contouring and cover cropping. SALT is a package technology on soil conservation and food production, integrating different soil conservation measures in just one setting. The Asian Rural Life Development Program has developed an erosion control technique that is both easier and less expensive to implement than the traditional methods. This technology is known as SALT which stands for Sloping Agriculture Land Technology. SALT is a method of growing field and permanent crops in 3-meter to 5-meter wide bands between contoured rows of nitrogen fixing trees are thickly planted in double rows to make hedgerows.


objectives of SALT

      Conversion of hilly land to green and stable land.

      To increase productivity of slopy land.

      To enrich the soil and reduce soil erosion and replace the eroded hillside with terraced green landscape.

      To conserve soil moisture.

      To reduce pest and diseases and reduce the need for expensive inputs such as chemical fertilizers.

Steps in SALT

  • Make An A-Frame
  • Locate Contour Lines
  • Prepare the Contour Lines
  • Plant Seeds of Nitrogen Fixing hedge rows or shrubs
  • Cultivate Alternate Strips
  • Plant Permanent Crops
  • Plant Short - Term Crops
  • Trim Nitrogen Fixing Hedge rows
  • Practice Crop Rotation
  • Build Green Terraces




SALT photo


  • Nepal Youth Kushal Naharki
  • recommend


  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Kushal, nice to see a new agriculture technology report in our E-gen ambassador board :)
    I think my country has some other agriculture methods like this but not same!
    Just like Deepak's feedback down here, there might be more familiar farming skills in other countries.
    Sharing such agriculture methods with other regional ambassadors might make a small platform for all of us to share what we do know about such methods!
    Thanks for your report, and sorry for the late feedback :(

    Posted 24-12-2018 16:53

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Kushal
    When technology is used to protect the environment, it sure seems that they make significant differences to the world.
    SALT will be of big help as it is a sustainable method that could be used to prevent those soil problems aforementioned.
    Thanks for the report :)
    Posted 21-12-2018 18:28

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    It is the advanced and sustainable form of terrace farming. It converts slopy land into green land from where agroforestry benefits can be taken. It is more productive and sustainable @Deepak dai
    Posted 19-12-2018 04:36

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Hello Kushal,
    Is this simmilar to Terrace Farming ???
    Thank you for the report.
    Posted 19-12-2018 03:42

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