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Soil Chronicles Part 1

by Rosa Domingos | 03-12-2018 18:03 recommendations 2

When I saw this month¡¯s theme, I was inclined to break down this topic in a series of consecutive reports, but still place major importance on each report. For millennia, soil has been, apart from water and air, an integral part of our survival. Its functionality crosses all spectrums of need and supply, but there is still a lot to be done in order to understand it.

In this month¡¯s theme, I will be writing about what soil is and its functionality (report 1), soil/land degradation and how that has been devaluing soil (report number 2) and what new techniques are being implemented for agri-farming (report number 3).

So¡¦let us start with the burning question...

What is Soil?

Soil is one of the three major natural resources, alongside air and water. It is one of the marvellous products of nature and without which there would be no life.


Soil content (eSchooltoday, n/a)

Soil is made up of three main components – minerals that come from rocks below or nearby, organic matter which is the remains of plants and animals that use the soil, and the living organisms that reside in the soil.

The proportion of each of these is important in determining the type of soil that is present. But other factors such as climate, vegetation, time, the surrounding terrain, and even human activities (eg. farming, grazing, gardening etc.), are also important in influencing how soil is formed and the types of soil that occur in a particular landscape.

There are many types of soils, usually placed in classes (types) based on their color, profile, texture, composition or structure. Each soil type is formed differently and can be found in specific places on the earth¡¯s immediate surface, mid and deep under the surface. Soils on the surface (a few millimeters deep) are usually exposed to direct climatic and environmental factors, and are easily blown away by wind, washed away by water or even broken down by temperature changes, human and animal activity. There are also soils found deep down the earth, often protected from climatic and environmental factors.


(eSchooltoday, n/a)

But because soils are formed from a variety of ways and in infinite conditions, it is hard to give a number for the types of soils we have on earth. However, they can be grouped using the stuff that they are made of (more on this in the next report J)

Importance (Functions) of soils

Soils are essential for life, in the sense that they provide the medium for plant growth, habitat for many insects and other organisms, act as a filtration system for surface water, carbon store and maintenance of atmospheric gases. Let¡¯s further define these functions:

Medium for plant growth:


  •  Soils support roots and keep them upright for growth.
  •  Soils provide plants with essential minerals and nutrients.
  • Soils provide air for gaseous exchange between roots and atmosphere.
  • Soils protect plants from erosion and other destructive physical, biological and chemical activity.
  • Soils hold water (moisture) and maintain adequate aeration.


A Filtration system for surface water:

After rainfall and snowmelts, water flows on the earth¡¯s surface to water bodies, but much of it soaks and gets infiltrated into the ground. As it continues its way downwards through the many layers in the ground, it is filtered from dust, chemicals and other contaminants. This is why aquifers (underground water) are one of the purest sources of water. Filtered water also provides plants with clean, unpolluted water needed for growth.

Carbon storage and maintenance of atmospheric gases:

Soils help regulate atmospheric Carbon dioxide (CO2) by acting as a carbon store. During humification (a process where soil organisms form complex and stable organic matter) some organic matter breakdown does not occur completely, especially in soils like peat, owing to its high acid and water content.

On a global scale, soils contain about twice as much carbon as the atmosphere and about three times as much as vegetation source.

This results in the accumulation of organic matter in the soil which is high in carbon content. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and many other nutrients are stored, transformed, and cycled in the soil. There is one thing for sure about soil, it is resilient but finite. It takes on the horrendous task of carrying life only to have it taken from it and lose its nutritional value. And that is what we need to view soil, it is strong, but fragile. Great in volume but lately weak in nutritional value.


(School for soils, n/a).

I would like to give a big shout out to fellow ambassador Yves, Kushal, and many others ambassadors and members who touched on this topic in the past months of the year! Your reports may lay the foundation of other reports; I know it will positively influence my writing from here on it.

On the next report: I will be tacking soil/land degradation, how soil has devalued over the decades and examples of countries that have adverse soil degradation.


Reference list:

Soil for Schools. N/a. What is Soil [Online]. Available: https://www.soil-net.com/legacy/schools/index.htm. N/a. Accessed: Dec 1, 2018.

Eschool Today. N/a. What is Soil? [Online]. Available: https://www.eschooltoday.com/soils/soil-profile-and-soil-horizons.html. N/a. Accessed: Dec 3, 2018.



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  • Dormant user Rosa Domingos
  • recommend


  • Horticulturist Susmita says :
    Greetings Rosa
    I hope you are doing well
    Thank you so much for this report

    Keep writing
    Green cheers
    Posted 15-03-2020 16:46

  • Horticulturist Susmita says :
    Greetings Rosa
    I hope you are doing well
    Thank you so much for this report

    Keep writing
    Green cheers
    Posted 15-03-2020 16:46

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Rosa, our former regional ambassador Rahul Patel provided series of reports specified in certain topics and your report reminds me of his splendid writing and criticism upon ongoing environmental problems and relative policies!
    Soil itself means a lot to us, maybe more than that as invisible and chemical reaction bring us advantages in our living and daily lives. It is just like our local communities and societies, integrated into a certain type of soil and having unique characteristics that other soil types do not have :)
    Considering this, its values do arise more than ever, but we are simply forgetting about this fact, admitting that they just resemble our societies.
    Priceless values of soil must be taken into account for people who lack opportunities to understand soil like us!
    Thanks for your report, and I will look forward to your next report
    Posted 05-12-2018 21:10

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hi Mentor Gyeongrin!

    Soil is, as you mentioned, a fundamental tool for the growth of many within the small residential areas and agricultural industry.

    This month's theme is a really great one because one can start almost anywhere, but the information on soil is immense and thus have supporting reports that build up on one another is excellent.

    Thank you so much for reading up on my report Mentor!

    Yours sincerely
    Posted 04-12-2018 19:05

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hi Israel!

    Truely, soil has stood the test of time and will continue to provide on condition that we take care of it.

    Thank you so much for reading my report. I really tried to not complex anything with regards to the basis, so that building up on it with the next article won't be difficult to understand.

    Yours sincerely
    Posted 04-12-2018 18:52

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Rosa
    It is really nice to see that the cumulative reports are becoming foundations for new, initiating follow up reports, that broadens up our view!
    This report is amazing in its composition as it gives us the fundamental information that we need to further think on this topic.
    Soil is indeed a important factor of this world and should be cared with more caution!
    Will be waiting for the following report :)
    Thanks for sharing :)
    Posted 04-12-2018 18:44

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    All the Best Nikolay! And thank you!
    Posted 04-12-2018 18:41

  • Israel Adeoye says :
    Hi Rosa,
    The importance of soil to man obviously transcends time and geography as it plays a very important role in man's survival. You have really taken time to simplify the article in a way everyone would understand.

    Thanks for the report.

    Posted 04-12-2018 18:29

  • Nikolay Dagaev says :
    Yes, Rosa, the last few weeks have been very busy for me: I was preparing to participate in the conference, participated in several competitions. There is a session ahead, but I will try not to disappear for so long. I look forward to continuing your report!
    Posted 04-12-2018 02:50

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hi Nikolay!

    So good to hear from you. Thank you for reading my report. I am pleased that you took the time to review my report. I will submit the second part of the report soon!

    Yours sincerely
    Posted 04-12-2018 01:42

  • Nikolay Dagaev says :
    Ros??, hi! I admire the fundamental nature of your approach! Thoroughly and informative! I reviewed many of the details, which have already managed to forget.
    Thanks for that!
    Posted 03-12-2018 22:57

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hey there Kushal!

    I hope you are blessed and good today. Thank you so much for commenting and reading my report today. I am truely glad!

    Sincerely yours
    Posted 03-12-2018 22:21

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hey Deepak!

    Yes, soil is Earth and I am so glad you mentioned it. It is an integral part of the ecosystem and should be treated as such.

    And thank you so much for reading my report! It is good to see you too!
    Sincerely yours
    Posted 03-12-2018 22:20

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Thank you for such a detailed report Rosa, I will be looking forward for your next reports.
    Posted 03-12-2018 19:48

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Hello Rosa, Namaste, Good to see you,
    You always present your report beautifully.
    How you introduce about soil and presented different functions is really amazing.
    Actually soil is half earth,
    Thank you for the report.

    Posted 03-12-2018 19:33

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Good Day Asmita!

    Thank uou so much for reading my report! And thank you again for commenting on my previous reports Asmita! I appreciate it so much.

    Soil is home to every living creature and as you said it is our home.

    Sincerely yours
    Posted 03-12-2018 19:02

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Soil is our and every creatures origin and home...
    Wow Rosa sis...
    Posted 03-12-2018 18:53

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