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Soil Fertility

by Kushal Naharki | 01-12-2018 21:29 recommendations 0

We need food to eat. We can't survive without food. Where does the food we eat come from? Some may give funny answers saying Shops or market. The food we eat is grown on soil by our farmers.The amount of the production on the land is directly related to the fertility of the soil. Soil fertility is the key to sustainable agriculture. December 5 is celebrated as World Soil Day

Soil fertility is the ability of the soil to supply essential plant nutrients during growth period of the plants, without toxic concentration of any nutrients. i.e ¡°the capacity of soil to supply nutrient in available to crop¡±. Soil productivity is ability of soil to produce a particular crop or sequence of crops under a specified management system i.e the crop producing capacity of soil. Sometimes even if the soil is fertile, they are subjected to drought or other unsatisfactory growth factors or management practices.

Plant absorb every thing from the soil. Soil fertility is affected by several factors such as climate, rainfall, soil biological, chemical and physical properties, etc.

Factors affecting soil fertility
1. Availability of minerals and nutrients
2. No. of microorganisms present
3. Amount of precipitation
5. Level of acidity

Ways to maintain Soil Fertility
1. We mustn't pollute the soil. Soil pollution decreases fertility.
2. Soil test must be carried out to know the fertility of the soil. Plant require minerals from soil to grow.
3. Fertilizers can be added to maintain the fertility of the soil but they should be added after knowing the required quantity. Excessive use of fertilizer degrade the land and decrease the fertility.
Organic fertilizers should be preferred over synthetic and chemical fertilizers.
4.soil texture, soil structure etc. should be studied and maintained. 

Soil fertility


  • Nepal Youth Kushal Naharki
  • recommend


  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Kushal, before I start reading a series of monthly reports on 'soil' this month, your report suggests me the points that I need to take a look at and concentrate at :)
    Soil fertility itself cannot be preserved and maintain its prime level of fertility for long time, as planted crops or weathers change its characteristics. As you said, complex and integrated forms of approaches must be taken to sustain the fertility.
    Thanks for the brief and compact introduction of soil fertility in a celebration of world soil day!
    Posted 03-12-2018 23:52

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Kushal
    The report well explains the concept of sil fertility and its importance in agriculture as soil is the base source in farming!
    However with excessive use of chemials around, many lands are losing its fertility.
    Hope organic farming methods could be introduced more!
    Thanks for the report :)
    Posted 03-12-2018 14:19

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Hello Kushal, Namaste
    Hope You are fine, happy and healthy
    As a agriculture student this month you have opportunity to present various aspect of soil to us.
    Thank you for writing about soil fertility and factor affecting it.
    Hope you will write more about soil in this month.
    Thank you

    Posted 02-12-2018 14:24

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