Coral Reef cleaning in Oman |
by Lohita Swaminathan | 21-11-2018 02:31
The Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs (MECA) in Oman has resumed its "Clean Seas" initiative by carrying out coral reef cleaning campaigns in Damaniyat Island Reserves. This campaign was launched by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) to involve various sectors in the field of environmental protection. The campaign "Sea Without Waste" was organized in Suwaiq and Khaboura by the ministry, with active participation from various government and private agencies, diving teams, and volunteer teams. As part of this drive, fishing nets that were stuck on coral reefs in Damaniyat Island Reserves were cleared. This was done in participation with the Undersecretaries of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs, the crew of Oman Aquarium Company and a number of volunteers.
According to a MECA official, "The aim of these campaigns is to keep Omani seas clean from all waste, especially the residues of various fishing tools such as nets, cages, etc. It also seeks to raise the awareness of the community about the importance of preserving the marine environment and encouraging the participation of various governmental agencies and private sector institutions. The campaign aims at instilling a culture of sustainable environment by preserving the marine environment of the wildlife, and spreading environmental awareness among society and involving them in the national plan to reduce damage to the marine environment. Courtesy: Times of Oman |
Hello Lohita
Wates flowing in to our seas are bringing damages to the whole ocean ecological system.
It not only pollutes the water but as animals mistakenly takes in wates as food, more animals are dying for waste problems. And also due to micro plastics, the problem is getting more serious.
Sea Without Waste!
Thanks for the report!
Posted 26-11-2018 17:31
Hello Lohita, coral reefs easily get affected by the rise in overall sea water temperature and climate change-led problems in ocean.
Cleaning them up individually and providing specific inspection seem to require a lot of time and effort, but it is inevitable for all of us not to let them be just like they have been since they disappear and face close extinction in some regions around the globe.
Thanks for sharing a news from The Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs (MECA)!
Posted 24-11-2018 13:40
Hey Lohita!
Any campaign with an aim to keep our oceans clean is a campaign I am ready to follow. Working in the Water and Sanitation sector, I really understand where this drive for change and sustainable management comes from. The UNEP and the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs have really done awesome work to safeguard and regulate the Damaniyat Island Reserves.
Thank you so much for enlightening us with this article Lohita!
Well done indeed!
Posted 21-11-2018 15:35
Hello Lohita Swaminathan, Namaste
Sea is very important source of oxygen for humans which are released by phyto plankton and such type of programs rally help to improve the condition of sea.
Ecosystem of sea is deteriorating day by day but this type of program help to maintain ecosystem.
Thanks Oman for this campaign and thank you for this report.
Posted 21-11-2018 14:43