by Mugisha Derrick Emmanuel | 23-10-2018 19:46
Dear friends,
i started up fika afrika in 2017 with a mission of building and strengthening young people networks in leading environmental conservation advocacy, networking and collaborations, participation. it currently has 20 african based countries with ambassordors and very strong social media following, but i wouldnt have done this without support of feloow young people. kindly follow the page on facebook; www.facebook.com/fikaafrikafoundation and twitter; www.twitter.com/fikaafrika further more we have a campaign on #litterfreegeneration by 2030, kindly be part of the campaign
Hello Mugisha, hope your project goes well!
Keep up with your work
Posted 27-10-2018 22:51
Hey there Mugisha!
Thank you for informing us about this highly educative youth base! I will surely check it out!
Posted 26-10-2018 00:57
Hello Mugisha, you are doing an amazing job!
Thanks for sharing :)
Posted 25-10-2018 02:34
great to know you are advocating positively for the better cause of environment though brother i will wait to further know about your campaign.
wish you best of luck :)
Posted 24-10-2018 03:51