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Policies I would like to establish for my nations

by Hnin Phyu Sin | 17-10-2018 02:22 recommendations 0

For this theme, I would discuss based on the read facts of forest policy, environmental policy and water policy. To cover all the laws which have been prescribed before, I would comment as follow.

(1) Most of the laws are present only in the book. Rare practicing on the prescribed law and policy was found and country?s development is slow because of various types of corruption and no transparency. 

(2) Concerning with corruption, there occurred many ways of corruption inside or outside organizations which are both public and private.

(3) Although it is describe like as to have transparency in all the matters; what organizations are doing which action and where by what kind of method using, they couldn?t persuade public?s attention and public did know after the problem was occurred and at that time and they reject at that time. People should be interested and the organization which will do development project in that area should take the local people?s agreement fairly and without coercive incentives.

(4) Policy and laws should reform carefully in order with the development and align with the culture.

(5) The involvement of young people and the enhancing their capacities should be enhanced widely and must accept the youth power?s without depending on the age limitation. 

(6) One country?s should clearly describe its foreign investment rules and regulation and the benefits and offense. 

(7) Should invest or give a loan to the projects which are not cease with planning stage, we need to perform implementation stage. If not so, the gap of living standard would become larger and violent condition will become with many consequences.

(8) In order to finish the work fast, we have to enforce government to use e-government system widely and proficiently. (Need to reduce the apply with letters from post-office and need to give fast decision as small things; very easy one to decide should not wait for long term) 

(9) Need to repair the forfeit which are not in line with the development age in the law and this wouldn?t get respect from the citizen on the law ( they may commit illegal things without paying attention to it)

(10)Should put the facts about working with technology for posting the new activities on the social media and official website to get updates for the sake of citizens. 

As country?s economic and social welfare development are rely on the public participation and the practice of all citizens accordance with prescribed rules and law. By looking at a glance of the policy, it shows country?s security, economic and social development process and when compare with the current reports of all affairs, we will become know that they are only on paper or real one. What I would like to fill in is to take action as say in the policy and to take responsibility and accountability for that too.
1.     Myanmar Forest Policy (2018) 
2.     Environmental Conservation Law (2012)
3.     Myanmar National Water Policy (2015)
Policy is concerned with everyone

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  • Dormant user Hnin Phyu Sin
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  • Hnin Phyu Sin says :
    Thanks for commenting, mentors. Giving the environmental education is very important and also the transparency is vital thing. if government is making sure on their responsibility and accountability, also including people's participation, we can get our expected SDG.
    Posted 23-10-2018 19:49

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Hnin, the policies you mentioned in your report seem to be in close relationship with educational support by government for people. Developing the overall level of acknowledgement against environmental issues must be done prior to moving onto the actual project, and that's how it will lead it down to the further progress and better project procedures :)
    Thanks for your report!
    Posted 21-10-2018 20:48

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Hnin
    The idealisitic planning of policies and their actual practice have a gap and it is true that much of these cases are because of the lack of transparency. Every project needs proper funding and allocation of resources however if no transparency is guaranteed, no matter how much the original planning is good, policies won't reach their goal.
    Thanks for the report!
    Posted 21-10-2018 12:02

  • Hnin Phyu Sin says :
    Thank you for all of your comments My fri, I will keep trying to upload more updated reports and will bring really necessary facts for environmental conservation on our forum.
    Posted 20-10-2018 02:17

  • Israel Adeoye says :

    You have actually pinpointed the core areas that need to be addressed for proper environmental management.

    I think the lack of transparency and commitment is what is making those policies not move beyond paper. The system really needs to be reviewed and renewed.

    if those areas you have mentioned are properly addressed with the inclusion of young minds to environmental management, we will have greener days.

    Thanks for the report Hnin.
    Posted 18-10-2018 15:48

  • Nikolay Dagaev says :
    Hello Hnin! I was impressed by the fundamental work you did in preparing this report.
    I would like this information to be conveyed to the government of Myanmar and other countries. And finally, measures were taken to implement the policies you proposed.
    You're great!
    Posted 18-10-2018 04:25

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Good day Hnin!

    One of the main concerns with implementing and subsequent management of the environment is the lack or redress, compliance and transparency in our government system. I really would like to know how the government will solve that issue because it is one of the main problems being faced in our time.

    Secondly, the the including of young people and the introduction of a an e-government system is a good ideas truely, but without funds and without the proper management of our finances as a nation, these idea will not exist. But I do remain hopeful, especially now that you have raised these ideas and concerns.

    Thank you for the report Hnin!
    Posted 17-10-2018 15:14

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