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by Victor eke mba | 16-10-2018 06:49 recommendations 0

Given Nigeria?s status as a fossil-fuel dependent economy with a large climate sensitive agricultural sector, the development of a climate change policy and response strategy is critical; as climate change portends a serious threat to poverty eradication and sustainable development in general. One of the key pillars of the Vision 20:2020 is investment in low carbon fuels and renewable energy. Achieving the goal of low carbon, high growth and resilient socio-economic system for equitable and sustainable socio-economic and environmental development faces some challenges which include stability and sustainability of enabling environment, adequate institutional and human resources capacity and availability of adequate resources to address mitigation and adaptation initiatives to address climate change. Thus Government need to ensure that economic growth, resource management and climate change mitigation and adaptation can all happen simultaneously if this will be done effectively.
National Adaptation Strategy and Plan of Action on Climate Change for Nigeria (NASPA-CCN) December 2011
Nigeria?s climate is already changing. To prepare for and respond effectively to the impacts of climate change, adaptation is the key. Adaptation should be comprehensive and articulated in a way that recognizes the varying needs and vulnerabilities of all sections of the society. Accordingly, the Government of Nigeria and a number of civil society organizations embarked upon the development of National Adaptation Strategy and Plan of Action on Climate Change for Nigeria (NASPA-CNN).

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  • Dormant user Victor eke mba
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  • Victor eke mba says :
    Thanks so much everyone
    Posted 23-10-2018 10:59

  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Victor, the truth is that many countries not devoting themselves to trigger climate change in fast speed are getting more affected by climate change. This is against environmental justice and though many people acknowledge this as an ongoing problem, it is not getting solved as it is way too complex, trans-national problem.
    Thanks for letting us know of Nigeria's effort and projects for upcoming climate change progression.
    Posted 20-10-2018 20:42

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Helly Victor!
    Climate change should be heavily considered as its effect is quite broad and brings series of damage to every environmental sector.
    A transition to renewable energy from the current foddil fuel platform is really in imediate need!
    Thanks for bring news from Nigeria :)
    Nicely written report!
    Posted 18-10-2018 16:11

  • Israel Adeoye says :

    Though the country is really working hard to reduce our level of fossils fuel dependence, it is very unlikely we achieve that Zero- dependence by 2020.

    But definitely, with what the government is doing and if sustained, Nigeria would be one of the first countries to have managed climate change properly.

    I really commend the moves of the Nigerian government.

    Thanks for the report.

    Posted 16-10-2018 17:08

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Good day Victor!

    Climate change has visibly shown its effects all over the globe where you find areas where immense flooding is taking place and where in other areas, a catastrophic drought takes place. Adapting to the climate change needs to be thoroughly detailed, containing every piece of information there is to resultantly recognise the varying needs and vulnerabilities of all of every person concerned.

    Thank you for informing us about the current strategic efforts of your government to mitigate and manage climate change. hope that the NASPA-CCN prospers in their objectives!

    Good report!
    Posted 16-10-2018 15:12

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