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Policies I Would Like to Establish for my Nation

by Natasha Singh | 17-10-2018 00:13 recommendations 0

Any country's environmental policy must be in line with the various treaties, legislations and conventions it has signed or ratified. These international commitments make the nation duty bound to put suitable policies and practices into effect. India is party to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (1992), the Montreal Protocol and Vienna Convention (1987), the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (1973), the Basel Convention on Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes (1989), Convention on Biological Diversity (1992), Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (2003), the Rotterdam Convention (2005) etc. which together comprise and encompass a multitude of environmental safeguards against pollution, depletion and exploitation of natural resources. 
The need of the hour is to draft a good general environmental policy that fulfills all the necessary obligations and promotes overall eco-health. Firstly, it should be based on approved existing codes of practice and should keep in line with the guiding principles of the nation. Before enacting any new steps, the impact of the old policies and the likely effects of the new one should be thoroughly assessed. Any new actions and efforts should be contextualized historically. 
Continual efforts should be made to improve performance and to regularly survey the progress made. Pollution, emissions, noise, waste etc. should be monitored with long-term view of reducing and diminishing them. 
Moreover, a good environmental policy should be inclusive, sustainable and should seek and promote citizen participation. It should raise awareness and train all environmental stakeholders in the judicious use of resources. 
Both firms and consumers should be encouraged to alter unhealthy production and consumption patterns. Suppliers and contractors must uphold necessary standards within the domestic territory. Customers should be encouraged to use goods and services in an eco-friendly way. 
All of the important environmental aims and goals must be communicated clearly through the relevant policy. 
Over time, the scope of the policy must be broadened and other aspects such as public health, sanitation, infrastructure etc must be integrated into the policy. It is important that the policy can translate into ground reality and does not exist in isolation.
One policy that I hope is soon established in my country is a federal organisational system where all executive agencies can report directly to a high-ranking council to furnish information about their work. Modelling such a policy has a number of benefits, such as transparency, accountability, responsibility and clear-cut organisation and planning. 
All countries should seriously work towards evolving a good national environmental policy to facilitate the improvement of ecological health and welfare. 

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  • Dormant user Natasha Singh
  • recommend


  • Joon Ho Mentor says :
    Hello Natasha, many international regimes and laws concerning various environmental issues are very complicated but integrated forms of masterpiece since they have taken many different perspectives and points of individual countries into the outcome of the conference. Like this, national policies must take overall points and comparing list of adv and disadvantages into account, so they may result in the integrated policies.
    Thanks for considering and analyzing 'how good policies can be made'!
    Posted 21-10-2018 00:19

  • Israel Adeoye says :

    Your last paragraph is very impressive. I'm sure such policy of reporting will improve transparency and encourage honesty in the system.

    Thanks for the report.
    Posted 18-10-2018 16:28

  • Gyeongrin mentor says :
    Hello Natasha
    This report realy makes good points of what policies should qualify to actually become good policies. Lots of categories should be considered when actually making these policies so that the policy could make synergy effect and do not disturb other related parts.
    Lovely report!
    Many thanks :)
    Posted 18-10-2018 16:23

  • Nikolay Dagaev says :
    Hello Natasha! I really like your idea of broad involvement of all categories of the population in the implementation of effective environmental policy. I fully agree that it should be inclusive, sustainable and include and encourage the participation of both citizens and producers. We're like-minded!
    Posted 18-10-2018 04:30

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Good day Natasha!

    A well though out general government policy is should encompass all spheres and aspects of conservation, mitigation, protection and sustainable management. I admire how you have set a precedent on how you believe that all should begin to start with original policies and legislation and thereafter if the policies and not fruitful, that newer ones should be established so as to enhance the protection of the environment at large

    Thank you for reporting Natasha. I really enjoyed reading your report!
    Posted 17-10-2018 15:31

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