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[Agust free report] Climate change in Cameroon

by Dzelamunyuy Simuben | 29-08-2023 15:01 recommendations 0

Climate change in Cameroon
Cameroon, is commonly renounce African in miniature having geographical diversity consisting all major climatic factors in the African continent.  Climate change has been one of the most pressing problems in Cameroon that needs to be addressed. Climate change has directly impact to more that 70% of the population whose livelihood depends on directly on agriculture. It has been noted that there is a continuer¡¯s shift in the weather pattern in the Bamenda Western highland of Cameroon.
Green house gas is held accountable for the recurrent extreme weather. The populations are facing high temperatures, irregular rainfall, flood and landslides which endanger the ecosystem and the services provided by the community population. For instance, It usually start raining from March but last year the rainy season started in Mid-April according to the data gotten from Nazareth Agro-Pastoral training and Production Center Menteh Village in Bamenda.  These extremist activities is not only tarnishing our environment, but has brought led to an increase in food and water scarcity, poor agricultural yield and consequently poor health and deaths.
These environmental hazards are as a result of the population¡¯s activity which does not abide with the environmental policies. The local government needs to re-develop town planning ideas ensuring that they establish mini eco yards in urban area. Also notational road contractions should be accompanied together with environmentally friendly trees. Also companies that do activities that permit high emission of carbon should reallocate in areas where there are carbon storage trees.  This effect does not only requires actions from climate activist but also, youths, children, men and women both in the rural and urban areas. Traditional adaptation and mitigation strategies need to be resurrected and put into action. Paper publications should be made easily available and accessible, addressing variability issues. Climate change makers should be supported at all levels. 
Collectively, all our contribution will help slowdown climate variances and make the world the world of yesterday that we knew. Thus a better and safe world for all.

The release Carbon into the atmosphere


  • Cameroon Former E-gen Ambassador Dzelamunyuy Simuben
  • recommend


  • James Mentor says :
    Hello Dzelamunyuy! This is your mentor James.

    What an alarming report regarding climate change in Cameroon! I'm assuming that irregular rainfalls and floodings in the region would cause great chaos and high casualties since the local communities couldn't be prepared for such unprecedented event. I hope this sparks the importance to fight global warming throughout the world.

    Thanks for your great work! Let's keep it up!
    Posted 31-08-2023 22:58

Dzelamunyuy Simuben

  • Yewon Mentor says :
    Hello Dzelamunyuy! This is your mentor Yewon.
    For the august free report, you have written about climate change in Cameroon!
    The policies of Cameroon were impressive and I hope we can combat climate change well!
    Thank you for your meaningful report!
    Posted 30-08-2023 04:22

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