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january free report-Role of forest on climate change

by Lhamu dolma Sherpa | 22-02-2024 01:03 recommendations 0

Climate Change Mitigation:

The efforts and measures taken to lessen or stop the emission of greenhouse gases and other human activities that contribute to global warming and climate change are referred to as climate change mitigation. The primary objective of mitigation is to reduce the rate of the rise in global temperatures.In order to lower overall greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, mitigation strategies include implementing policies to limit emissions, implementing cleaner energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and promoting sustainable practices in various sectors. Here are some of the key roles of forests in climate change mitigation;


¡¤        Carbon sequestration .By removing CO2 from the atmosphere, or carbon sequestration, this process lowers the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that cause global warming.

¡¤        Reducing greenhouse gas emissions Preservation of forest help to reduce greenhouse gas emission.

¡¤        Biodiversity preservation:  Biodiverse ecosystems can support the stability and proper operation of the larger ecosystem and are more resistant to climate change.

¡¤         Sustainable resource management: The use of wood products as an alternative to materials with a higher carbon footprint, like concrete or steel, can be encouraged by ethical and sustainable forest management practices. We can lower overall greenhouse gas emissions by using wood products from sustainably managed forests.

¡¤        Resilience to extreme weather events: As a natural defence against severe weather conditions like storms, floods, and landslides. Healthy forests can lessen the need for energy-intensive reconstruction and adaptation efforts by assisting in shielding communities and infrastructure from the effects of these events.

¡¤         Forest-based Livelihoods: Encouragement of ecotourism and non-timber forest products, encourages local communities to protect forests and their biodiversity, which aids in the fight against climate change.Climate Change Adaptation:

Climate change Adaptation means In order to deal with the effects of climate change that are already being felt or anticipated to be felt in the future, strategies and measures must be developed and put into action. The goal of adaptation is to lessen vulnerability to the changing climate by modifying and fostering resilience in social, economic, and natural systems. Building climate-resilient infrastructure, improving water management methods, implementing climate-smart agricultural practices, safeguarding ecosystems, and creating early warning systems are all examples of adaptation strategies that can be used to effectively address extreme weather events and other climate-related problems. . Here are some of the key roles of forests in climate change Adaptation.


¡¤        Biodiversity: Diverse forests are more resistant to the effects of climate change. They provide habitat for a variety of plant and animal species, enabling ecosystems to adjust to disturbances brought on by extreme events, pests, and diseases.

¡¤        Climate-Resilient Livelihoods: Forest-based livelihoods, like agroforestry and sustainable practices, offer adaptive strategies for communities for income sources.

¡¤        Watershed protection:Forest act as organic water filters, diminishing the risk of landslides and floods and combating soil erosion. Healthy watersheds guarantee a consistent supply of clean water for communities, agriculture,and others which is crucial for coping with climate change.

¡¤        Community-based forest management: Involvement of Local Communities in the conservation of forest and sustainable use of forest resources empowers communities to actively participate in climate change issue.


Lhamu dolmaSherpa

  • Nepal Former E-gen Ambassador Lhamu dolma Sherpa
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Hello Lhamu, this is your mentor SangHyeon. Your comprehensive overview of climate change mitigation and adaptation, with a focus on the vital roles of forests, is insightful and inspiring. Additionally, please include any visuals for further enhanced article. Keep advocating for sustainability!
    Posted 06-03-2024 03:40

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    We all know forests are important to reduce CO2 emissions and to prevent landslides and such.
    The important part is to take action.
    Thank you for your report!
    Posted 23-02-2024 00:58

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