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[February free report] Rwanda's Growing Environmental Awareness

by Fidele Nyandwi | 13-02-2024 22:40 recommendations 0

Rwanda, a small nation in East Africa, has made significant strides in recent years in raising awareness about environmental issues. This is due in part to the government's commitment to sustainable development, which has seen environmental education integrated into the national curriculum from kindergarten to high school. Additionally, a national fund has been established to support environmental education projects, and NGOs are playing an increasingly important role in raising awareness and promoting conservation efforts.

One of the most notable examples of Rwanda's environmental awareness is the nationwide ban on plastic bags, which was implemented in 2009. This ban has been highly successful in reducing plastic pollution and has served as a model for other countries in Africa. Additionally, Rwanda has made significant investments in renewable energy, with the goal of generating 70% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2024.

Of course, there are still challenges to overcome. Poverty and a lack of resources can make it difficult for some Rwandans to prioritize environmental concerns. However, the government's commitment to environmental education and its willingness to implement bold policies, such as the plastic bag ban, suggest that Rwanda is on the right track to becoming a leader in environmental sustainability.

In conclusion, Rwanda's level of environmental awareness is growing rapidly. The government's commitment to sustainable development, coupled with the efforts of NGOs and the Rwandan people themselves, is making a real difference. While challenges remain, Rwanda's progress in recent years is a positive example for other countries to follow.

The picture shows the result of environmental awareness in Rwanda


  • Rwanda Former E-gen Ambassador Fidele Nyandwi
  • recommend


SangHyeon Park

  • SangHyeon Park says :
    Hello Fidele, this is mentor SangHyeon. Your insightful portrayal of Rwanda's environmental progress is inspiring! Keep shining a light on positive initiatives for a sustainable future. Thank you for this brilliant report, keep it up !:)
    Posted 04-03-2024 12:00

Seeun Mentor

  • Seeun Mentor says :
    Hello, this is mentor Seeun.
    Banning plastic bags altogether is a huge power move, and though there may be some difficulties at first, I think it is a much needed change. Great to hear Rwanda is going in the right direction!
    Thank you for your report.
    Posted 14-02-2024 14:31

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