Candidate for elections, situation in Uzbekistan! |
by Vazira Ikhtiyorova | 24-08-2021 18:11
Dear all,
Hope you are doing well. It has been such an amazing time to be able to express our thoughts, news related to environmental issues among caring and supportive people like you. Today I would like to share great news that for the first time we will be having candidates for presidential elections very soon from Ecological Party! Initially, it was just eco-movement but not party. Yet, after having reviewed what was done so far, it was transformed to a party which is truly astonishing. Sports and media have always been encouraged well around the globe, in particular Uzbekistan. Medicine, education, environmentalism are not popular spheres to be developed or invested. If someone wins at sports competitions, they are awarded with the latest version of machines and newly built homes. However, people who fought with COVID-19 and helped to recover, I mean doctors, they are paid $200. Imagine $200! I will not even talk regarding how unfamiliar vacancies for ecological positions. Hence, I am super splendid and happy that at least we have candidates to become President from environmental and ecological party! I really hope that citizens won't underestimate the power of environment we live in where we never think of what kind of air we breath or how our daughters will live in the future. In addition, recently there were news about the recycling and ways to to prevent environmental disasters. The greenery is being planted and news illustrated! I sincerely hope that we will enlarge number of the platforms where we will work on those issues and be reunited! Thank you!
Dear Vazira,
This is your mentor Debbie. :)
This is some valuable political information there! It's difficult to keep updated about world news but here we are! Thanks for sharing with us. And it's also great that this leader is ready to focus on many environmental problems! :D
Posted 31-08-2021 23:09
great work
Posted 28-08-2021 17:16
Hello Vazi Wazii, truly awesome news! I am sure that the newly elected candidates will have a positive impact on the climate of Uzbekistan. Especially when medicine is well treated at your country :D
Keep writing!
-Eli Eli
Posted 28-08-2021 05:01
Hi Vazira,
This is your mentor Yuseon:D
Thanks for sharing social situation of your nation.
It's good that the environmental and ecological party has candidates, too.
As these areas are the hottest issue globally, and one of the most important ones
to be confronted, it would certainly bring positive affects if that candidate gets elected.
Green cheers!
Posted 27-08-2021 23:28
Thanks for sharing this information. I pray that, whoever wins seriously puts into consideration the needs of mother earth.
Posted 26-08-2021 07:19
Thanks for sharing this information about Uzbekistan, looking forward to read more reports from you.
Posted 25-08-2021 13:51
Hello Vazira,
Its me Sandhya from Nepal,
I do hope you are staying safe and doing great with you works,
Thank you so much for sharing about the election candidate from the ecological party,
Hope all the agenda gets proper enforcement in the coming days,
We are eager to read much more form you in the coming days,
Keep writing,
Sandhya Adhikari
Posted 25-08-2021 13:11
Hello Vazira,
Green Cheers from Nepal
Thank you for writing wonderful report on election candidate from ecological party. I hope he wins and bring desirable positive change in the country.
Sagar Koirala
Posted 24-08-2021 23:06