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Eco-quiz contest

by Dolma Diki Sherpa | 07-06-2021 12:42 recommendations 0

Every year world environment day is celebrated on June 5 to raise  awareness to protect our mother earth. This year the theme of world environment day is ecosystem restoration. Different program, campaign are conducted in physical presence of people to celebrate the world environment day in previous year. In our country Nepal, due to increasing rate of covid-19 and lockdown we are unable to celebrate environment day in physical presence. During   this pandemic, I have thought to organize  online eco-quiz competition to refresh and enlighten our knowledge. Me and econetwork campus ambassador shobha pokhrel have successfully conducted online eco-quiz competition on occasion of world environment day.


About 40 participants have participated in this quiz contest from different countries (Nepal,Bangaladesh,India)

The main objective of this program is to create awareness on environment related topic.


We are pleased to announce our winner samikxya Baral from golden gate college of Nepal and first runner up Debesh Paul from India.


Thank you to all participants for taking part in this quiz contest.



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  • Dormant user Dolma Diki Sherpa
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  • Dolma Diki Sherpa says :
    Thank you Yousen Mentor for supporting and motivating me to conduct different campaign and program through this elite platform.

    Posted 10-07-2021 19:35

  • Yuseon Mentor says :
    Hi Dolma,

    This is your mentor Yuseon:D

    It is so thoughtful of you to think of holding these kind of events in this pandemic situation.
    It seems that with you and your fellow ambassadors, Tunza is holding light even in
    darkest times. I thank you for your passionate deeds, and keep up the good work:P

    Posted 28-06-2021 01:34

  • Dolma Diki Sherpa says :
    Hello Debbie Mentor

    We have asked total 40 question which are related to enviromental issue, wildlife,global warming etc. Among them 36 question are multiple choice type and other 4 are fill in the blanks. Some of them have given maximum correct answer.

    Thank you for your motivation and suggestion.

    Posted 10-06-2021 13:31

  • Debbie Mentor says :
    Hi Dolma,

    This is your mentor Debbie. :)

    Great job for taking initiative to create an online quiz event. It must have been fun and informative to the participants!

    What kind of questions were there and what had the most wrong answers? Maybe those could be something to write about next time. Great job Dolma :)

    Green Cheers,
    Posted 08-06-2021 22:13

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