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by CHARU SMITA | 02-06-2021 19:27 recommendations 0

There are three essential components that form the basics of survival: Food, Water and Oxygen. While water and oxygen are raw materials that do no need purifications, food is the opposite of what we call as 'instant consumption'.

We need to cook it and we need massive heat in the form of fire in order to so so. That is where the word 'Kitchen' comes by. By the dictionary, we know that it's a room for cooking. But this whole concept of kitchen came up with human development. It might seem like we have developed our kitchens into eco-friendly rooms but we still have a long journey to cover.

In India, particularly, we still have rural families that use traditional biomass fuels for cooking. These fuels are insufficient and acount to a huge percentage of harmful emissions. According to the UN, food systems account for almost one-third of the total carbon emissions globally, with refrigerators in household and supermarkets making up almost half of the value. Food, individually, makes up 5% of this value and packaging too, is around the same 5.4% of the number. This might seem mere, but it is rather the opposite.

So what can be the solution? Do we have something like eco-friendly and sustainable Kitchens? Well, we certainly do. There are many gadgets and kitchenware that have been redesigned to be more efficient, cost saving and sustainable. So why isn't everyone using it? Because not a lot of people are familiar with these terms, also, people tend to believe that expensive kitchens are better than a greener one. Just like how some people think that to get fit one must go to the gym. But the solution lies in your effort. So, some ways you can make your kitchen green are:

1) Use Pure Wood Cabinets: Most of the kitchens use urea-formaldehyde which can be harmful. That is why, wooden cabinets can use used to make green kitchen. Alternatives include wheatboard.

2) Use Countertops made from recycled paper or hemp which are extremely durable and easy to clean. Recycled tiles can be used instead of new tiles.

3) Using dishwashers can save a lot of water if you have small loads of dishes to clean. It might be costly but it is worth it for the long run.

4) Aerated Faucets save water by injecting air bubbles into a stream to achieve same pressure with less volume.

5) LED lightning can be used to save electricity and to get long life and efficient operation.

6) Do not waste food, use the products you have to work put as much as possible.

7) Grow small vegetables in a in-house green garden.

8) While cooking, use of smaller appliances saves energy. If you can cook in the microwave rather than the full-size oven, Energy is saved to a large extent.

9) Avoid refrigerators with automatic ice maker or dispenser.

10) Use new and eco-friendly dishwashers.

Green Kitchen Essentials

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  • Dormant user CHARU SMITA
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  • Yuseon Mentor says :
    Dear Charu,

    This is your mentor Yuseon:)

    Wow what an interesting topic!
    As you have mentioned the kitchen industry is a large part of our life, and sustainable kitchen would be really effective for the environment. It could be everything, even a little bit from food to packaging and kitchen interiors.

    Thanks for sharing this with us:)
    Posted 26-06-2021 00:43

  • Dolma Diki Sherpa says :
    Greetings from Nepal

    Thank you for giving fruitful ideas to maintain a ecofriendly kitchen.

    Keep writing such great ideas in coming days

    Posted 13-06-2021 00:22

  • Debbie Mentor says :
    Dear Charu,

    This is your mentor Debbie. :)

    Green kitchen is surely a creative topic to write about! I also didn??t know using dishwashers are greener! :O I thought because dishwashers use hot water, it is using a lot of energy.

    But I love the idea of using pure wooden goodies in the kitchen. It??s not only good for the environment but also it looks good :D

    Appreciated reading your article!!

    Green Cheers,
    Posted 08-06-2021 21:17

  • Sandhya Adhikari says :
    Hello Charu,
    I do hope you are fine and doing great with your works,

    Thank you so much for sharing such an insightful report describing how can we make a green kitchen,

    Your ideas and recommendation are absolutely practicable,

    Keep sharing with us,
    We are eager to read much from you,

    Posted 06-06-2021 21:53

Lhamu dolma Sherpa

  • Lhamu dolma Sherpa says :
    thanks for sharing such amazing ideas,keep sharing.
    Posted 05-06-2021 01:42

  • Bindu Dhakal says :
    Hello Charu,
    Hope you are doing great,
    Thank you so much for sharing such informative report,
    Green Cheers,
    Posted 02-06-2021 22:55

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