World Biodiversity day: Lets hear possible solution on Food Insecurity |
by Sandhya Adhikari | 22-05-2021 04:07 0 |
Biodiversity is the foundation of ecosystem services which are most crucial to human beings, and environment is the surrounding where every living creature coexists. It refers to all the variety of life that can be found on Earth as well as to the communities that they form and the habitat in which they live. But over a year there is escalating environmental problems and living creature are threatened, resulting in the loss of biodiversity. The major threat to biodiversity are: -Climate change -Deforestation -Pollution - Overexploitation - Invasive Species - Food Insecurity Every year World Biodiversity Day is commemorate at 22nd May with a specific theme. So time and again we hear the problem but often stay away from the possible solution, so this time I have selected some threats to the biodiversity and we want to hear the possible solution for minimization of such threat on our biodiversity. This year theme for World Biodiversity day is ¡°We¡¯re the part of the solution, #For nature and for world environment day ¡°Restore Ecosystem¡±. Let¡¯ s be the part of solution to restore Nature and our ecosystem. My mentors and eco generation has ever inspired me to work in such a way that it brings some positive impact on the society and the life of the person. So time and again we are used to talk about the problems but not the solutions, this time we want to hear the solution of the various problems and apply it on our daily life. So here the very first Contestant Jay Chaurasia came up with a very insightful solutions on Food In security, I would like to offer him a huge thanks for his insightful solutions: UN-FAO has referred Food security as ¡°Food Security exists when all people, in the least times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for a healthy and active life¡±. The issue of food security, especially during a developing nation, raises both the issues of uncertain food production and unequal food distribution. Globally food insecurity is believed to be increasing in absolute terms despite recent decreases in percentage terms. Some of the methods to manage food insecurity would be to increase food production through the provision of improved cultivation methods and inputs and to develop infrastructures for easy movement of food items from surplus area of plains (Terai) to deficit area (Hills and Mountain). Provision of off-farm income opportunities for resource poor households is necessary and this needs rapid development of non-agriculture sector in coordination with agriculture sector on the other hand. The area used for farming should be properly planned that can be achieved by crop rotation, mixed land use pattern and alteration to modern agricultural practices that devoid land of its basic properties. Similarly, the commercial cultivation of under exploited fruits and vegetables can manage food security. These underexploited fruits and vegetables when commercialized can have a huge benefit both for the consumers and producers as they are readily available, have a good market value, and have a high nutritional value and numerous benefits |
Hi Sandhya,
This is your mentor Yuseon:D
Another report on world Biodiversity day.
It seems that I was the one of the few to not know about this memorial day :(
Now I know it, I'll try my best to keep this in mind.
Food Insecurity is something that doens't feel crucial at this point, but I bet it would become a real problem for future generations. That's why we must have a solution to prevent these serious causes.
Hope to find one soon enough,
Posted 01-06-2021 02:21
Wow.Its great.
Posted 29-05-2021 20:03
Hi Sandhya,
This is your mentor Debbie :)
Many times we can??t just come up with solutions or problems on our own - I feel like this ¡°Let??s Hear From You¡± is a clever competition. :)
With the quickly developing world, it was difficult for me to imagine food insecurity is a problem in certain parts of the world. With that said, the solution suggested by Jay sounds interesting. Hopefully the absolute number of those who are suffering from food insecurity will decrease!! 

Thanks for an insightful report! Enjoyed reading it.
Green Cheers,

Posted 28-05-2021 11:24
Posted 22-05-2021 15:51
Wow.Its great.
Posted 22-05-2021 15:37
Yeah! That's great!
Thanks for sharing!
Posted 22-05-2021 13:03