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UN Food System Summit Dialogue

by Sagar Koirala | 05-05-2021 12:31 recommendations 0

On May 4, UN organized UN Food System Summit Dialogue. The brainchild of Honorable General Secretary Antonio Gutters, the Global Food Systems Summit will be organized on mid- 2021. The summit will focus on faults prevailing our food system, necessary precautions to be taken to  improve condition of food security in the world. UN Food System Summit dialogue being organized is one of  the pre-event and focused on collecting faults in our food system globally.

As a convenor of National Food Systems Youth Dialogue Nepal and key person for Asian Level Dialogue, I was invited  to give my input as a youth representative from Nepal. The summit dialogue also focused on food system prevailing in our community. The inputs from 100 nominated youth food advocates were taken to create better food system globally. There was participation of youth leaders from UNMGCY, UN, UNFSS, various NGOs and INGOs and many other social organizations.

Deputy General Secretary Amina Mohammed stressed on engagement of more and more youths for making food system more inclusive, engaging and remarkable. Dr. Agnes Kalibata, Secretary of UNFSS highlighted on need of creating a global alliance to work together for promoting food sector. She also stressed on role youths should play for success of food system. The major problems highlighted in the dialogue were Malnutrition, Food Insecurity, Food Waste, Difficulty in procuring inputs for small-holder farmers, lack of skilled and technical manpower in agriculture sector and many more.

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  • Dormant user Sagar Koirala
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  • Debbie Mentor says :
    Hi Sagar,

    This is your mentor Debbie :)

    It may seem like as our world is being more and more developed, food system is becoming less of a problem. But as the speakers at the summit introduced, we need to pay attention to other related issues such as malnutrition, food waste etc.

    Thanks for sharing with us about your experience participating in the UN Food System Summit Dialogue. Please let us know more about what you have been doing as an ambassaor!

    Green Cheers,

    Posted 17-05-2021 11:52

  • Yuseon Mentor says :
    Hi Sagar,

    This is your mentor Yuseon:D

    Wow what a good experience it must have been! Congrats on being selected as a convenor of National Food Systems Youth Dialogue Nepal and key person for Asian Level Dialogue,and a youth representative from Nepal. Malnutrition, Food Insecurity, Food Waste, Difficulty in procuring inputs for small-holder farmers, lack of skilled and technical manpower in agriculture sector all seem to be important issues to be addressed.

    Keep sharing your good footsteps with us in Tunza!
    Posted 15-05-2021 00:24

  • Sandhya Adhikari says :
    Hello Sagar Koirala dai,
    I do hope you are fine there and doing great with your works,
    Wow, you might have an wonderful time!!
    Keep going on, your every action ever inspire us,

    Keep sharing,
    We are eager to read much more from you,

    Posted 10-05-2021 09:57

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