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Green Architecture and the Environment(Thematic Report)

by Sudura Zakir | 11-04-2021 13:14 recommendations 0

Present world is the age of modernization where development is major issue.City architectures are playing significant role in this regard and these infrastructures should be eco-friendly.So,this should be taken in account to build environment friendly living.
In my country,rooftop gardens,deck gardens,outdoor gardens in houses are becoming much popular nowadays.After the pandemic started many families are working in their own house garden to recover from monotony of life.Since Dhaka,the capital of Bangladesh,is the most over populated city with residence 35.2 million approximately.It is necessary to build eco-friendly environment.In my house,I also started creating rooftop garden and deck garden.In my perspective,this is suitable for making habitable environment.Rooftop garden also helps in food storage security.That is different fruits and vegetables are planted to increase food storage and we can balance purity which is rooftop farming.

By creating friendly environment,convert CO2 emissions and produce O2,reduce ambient temperature,capture and harvests rainwater,reduce storm water run off and discharge,reduces heat of building and energy costs,little wildlife habitat.Decking is aesthetics with flexibility,low maintenance,more space,creates beautiful environment for all.This is better opportunity for megacity area to create eco-friendly surroundings.
In this circumstance,making gardens in houses are much preferable for creating friendly and habitable environment.This will help in balancing city environment.Those pictures are the gardens in indoor and outdoor of house.
deck house gardengarden in roof of houseoutdoor gardenbackyard garden

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  • Dormant user Sudura Zakir
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  • Yuseon Mentor says :
    Hi Sudura,
    This is your mentor Yuseon:D

    It looks and sounds wonderful that your country is putting a little greenery to the architecture. It might be the best solution to many problems, and environmental problems might be only just part of it. Like you mentioned, because of the Covid situation, it makes it hard for people to enjoy outdoor activities. Creating an own garden might help many people refresh from the cramped daily lives.

    Thanks for the well written thematic report:)
    Posted 26-04-2021 09:52

  • Debbie Mentor says :
    Hi Sudura,

    This is your mentor Debbie. :)

    It??s great to hear that gardening at home is becoming a new trend. It??s also trending in Korea as well. Although frankly speaking our absolute goal of home gardening was probably not to ¡°save the environment¡±, its positive influence is definitely there for sure.

    It??s an innovative idea of consider home gardening as a part of Green Architecture! Well done for fully understanding the objective of this month??s theme. :) Keep up with the work!


    Posted 20-04-2021 19:35

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