(Thematic Report) Business and the Environment |
by Binita Suwal | 14-03-2021 10:18
Business is any kind of activities, company or enterprises that makes money by producing or buying or selling. Whereas environment is the surrounding where we live and are the rich source for inputs. Whatever input the business requires is fulfilled by the environment and every output produced from business is returned to the environment. The produced output may produce positive or negative impact on the environment (most of the result being harmful to the environment either during the processing or the output itself). Hence we can conclude with a line that there is give and take relationship between business and environment. Environmental factor may affect the business decisions. These environmental factors may be determined using the tool named PESTLE Analysis which is sometime referred as PEST Analysis. This helps in determining the circumstances of business. The environmental factor includes the climatic factors, consumers¡¯ health, and availability of the inputs. Talking about the business effect to environment, the manufacture of the products requires lots of inputs like timber, metals, minerals etc. this may lead to loss in forest counts and pollution. Many constructions of building have been occurred for business purpose. Addition of the waste produced, papers used, traffic jams, poisonous atmosphere etc. are some common effects caused by the business caused by the environment. We have a perfect example that shows the relationship between business and environment is the Phareni Bazaar that occurs every Wednesday and Saturday, near Paklihawa Krishi Campus (exactly where we study). Generally, Consumers do not prefer visiting to the market because of the existing air pollution and the unbearable smell of the Dande River. The buying and selling activity from the market leads to the distribution of polythene, air pollutions and the extra use of the vehicles. Many products and business activities having positive effects of business in improving the environment condition has been recorded. Some of the examples are LED bulb that reduces the energy use, some of the companies fill their offices with indoor plants, and some has switched to eco-friendly business. HP Company developed Design for Sustainability program during 1992. In order to reduce environmental impact of its operation different steps have been proceeding. 14 HP sites around the world are today LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified. Similarly the activities by Johnson & Johnson have set an example that not all business is harmful to environment by accomplishing their commitment by 2017, to reformulate their product to remove plastic. Although these two terms are different, they are related. References 2. https://pestleanalysis.com/environmental-factors-affecting-business/ |
Hi Binita,
This is your mentor Debbie. :)

I??ve never come across the tool called PESTLE or PEST analysis. It??s interesting though that companies have a set of factors to measure the consequences of a business decision.
Aside from this, it??s good to see that businesses are making smart choices! For example, using LED bulbs or having indoor plants in the office. I should consider changing the bulbs in my room to an LED one too..! In this sense, super rewarding report! :)
Thanks for inspiring us with your words.
Best Regards,
Debbie :)
Posted 20-03-2021 01:47
Hi Binita, this is your mentor Yuseon:D
Thank you for your well written thematic report!
It was good for you to give definition of the given terms at the initial part of your report and concluding with the relationship between business and environment.
Good information regarding the PEST Analysis and you have made some good examples of real products that could be environmentally helpful.
Keep up the good work,
Posted 19-03-2021 15:14
Hello binita dd
thanks for shjaring such an informative report about environment and business .
keep sharing
Warm regards ,
Posted 17-03-2021 00:04