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Businesses and Environment (Thematic Report) (Monthly Report)

by Sagar Koirala | 11-03-2021 19:37 recommendations 0

Hello and Namaste,
Tunza Eco Generation Family

Businesses and Environment are two contrasting topics and do not usually go hand in hand. Businesses usually neglects environment in my country and hence, Businessmen try to neglect environmental perspective while running their business. But still there are lots of businesses which consider environmental perspective and try to find eco- friendly initiatives in their daily operation. Some have incorporated Environment as their Corporate Social Responsibility and some have shifted recently to eco friendly products due to increasing consumer preference for such products.

Many business companies have involved environment in their CSR in recent years,  example: Uniliver, Starbucks, LendEDU and many more. Corporate social responsibility, or CSR, refers to the policies established and efforts taken by businesses to affect a positive impact on their local communities and the planet as a whole. It¡¯s a term heard in company boardrooms a lot these days as more and more executives become aware of the benefits of CSR programs to both the lives of their customers and their own companies¡¯ bottom lines.Through its Sustainable Living Plan, Unilever is leveraging its tremendous global influence to grow its business while ¡°decoupling our environmental footprint from our growth and increasing our positive social impact.¡±

Starbucks rigorous green building practices had resulted in over 800 of its locations meeting the highly-recognized Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified rating.

In January 2017, LendEDU announced that it had partnered with One Tree Planted to donate the funds needed to plant one tree for every LendEDU customer it helps in 2017. Besides them, Samsung has also established  environment as its top priority through its Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) platform. Our environment is getting vulnerable day by days and we must take effective measures to conserve our environment and surrounding. Many Companies have shifted plastic packaging to eco friendly packaging material. Many companies have partnered in environment related firms and organizations and are promoting environment to great extent.

Source- https://blueandgreentomorrow.com/features/3-companies-helping-environment-corporate-social-responsibility/


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  • Dormant user Sagar Koirala
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  • Debbie Mentor says :
    Hi Sagar,

    This is your mentor Debbie. :)
It??s great to receive some of the thematic reports! Thank you for putting effort in writing this report. Starbucks is a company mentioned frequently when talking about CSR. It is practicing its CSR principle across the world. I??ve never heard of Uniliver or LendEDU, but they also seem interesting. It??s great that businesses are doing their part; we as consumers should always remember to do our part too.

    Green Cheers! :D


    Posted 20-03-2021 01:05

  • Yuseon Mentor says :
    Hi Sagar, this is your mentor Yuseon:D

    Thank you for sharing your insight on this month's theme, environmental management. Like the first part of your report it is both sad and true that generally, businesses and environment are two contrasting topics and do not usually go hand in hand. However, as ESG managment and its importance gets acknowledged, movements such as eliminating carbon in production or producing eco friendly products are happening right now.

    Hope that corporate giants would be more passionate in preserving nature as its own purpose, not because of a reaction to eco-centric consumers.
    Posted 18-03-2021 00:31

  • Sudura Zakir says :
    Hi Sagar, You have written good one.

    Posted 14-03-2021 21:43

Vazira Ikhtiyorova

  • Vazira Ikhtiyorova says :
    Hey Sagar! This was a very good report to read. Thanks! Green cheers:)
    Posted 12-03-2021 00:46

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