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Waste and Environment (Monthly Report) Thematic Report

by Sagar Koirala | 22-02-2021 19:22 recommendations 0


Waste materials which are toxic can contaminate surface water, ground water, soil and air which causes more problems for humans, other species and ecosystems. Poor waste management contributes to climate change and air pollution, and directly affects many ecosystems and species. Energy from waste can be used to produce heat or electricity, which might then replace the energy produced using coal or other fuels.

Trash will migrate through the rivers and oceans of the globe, collecting on beaches and gyros. This debris destroys physical ecosystems, transports toxic contaminants, affects underwater organisms and interferes with the human use of the water, marine and coastal environments.

There are several distinct causes that contribute to climate change. Our dependency on fossil fuels is among the most widely recognized causes. Waste treatment can, however, still have a very serious effect on our atmosphere and, if not disposed of properly, waste can have a very serious impact on our environment.

There are 3 different aspects that waste can have a harmful environmental impact.

¡¤         Food Waste In Landfill

         It decomposes as food waste is dispatched to landfill.

¡¤         Electrical and Electronic Equipment

           Waste products from electrical and electronic devices that can result in air emissions which can be very detrimental to the atmosphere. For human wellbeing, electrical and electronic devices may be dangerous. We can find several different unsafe materials inside.

¡¤         Irresponsible disposal of waste

Many separate environmental concerns can be caused by reckless waste management. It can contribute to air pollution, soil pollution and may cause several different health problems as well.

Climate change has many common factors, some of which include waste management. By disposing of your waste in an ethical and responsible manner, one way that you can strive to reduce the environmental effects of your waste is. Using a reputable waste collection facility from a waste treatment firm that protects the environment is an easy way to do this.


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  • Dormant user Sagar Koirala
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  • SJ Mentor says :
    Hello Sagar!
    It's your SJ mentor.

    I hope you are doing well.
    Thank you for sharing such an informative report.
    In addition to simply reclaiming waste, it can also be used in various fields as you say.
    Since waste is a kind of resource, it is important to recover it.
    It can recover energy by making solid fuels.
    In addition to exhaust gases generated when fossil fuels are burned, various pollutants are emitted to incinerate waste.
    We should take care to collect these contaminants and ensure proper treatment.

    Green cheers!

    Best regards,
    SJ mentor.
    Posted 02-03-2021 05:51

  • Mun WooJooMentor says :
    Hello Sagar,
    this is your mentor WooJoo.

    Warm greetings from South Korea!
    Thank you for sharing your last thematic report of the term!
    I agree that the climate change is being aggravated by many reasons, which one of them is waste disposal and its management.
    Waste management is one of the prime things that we should do, but its process is also gas producing, harmful one for the environment.
    The best scenario would be using, and consuming less, producing less waste and following the 3R rules.
    Either worsening the situation or improving it are both in our hands, and hopefully each person makes a wise choice for the sustainability of Earth.

    Keep sharing

    Posted 24-02-2021 12:09

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