Thematic Report: Environment Protection Act 2076 of Nepal |
by Sandhya Adhikari | 09-01-2021 02:33
We are the first generation to realize that our action is creating deleterious impact on our planet. We must prioritize and give utmost attention and care to our environment as it is degrading at an alarming rate. Youth of this generation are becoming more conscious about this future in this environmental crises. The debate on governments responsibility for the protection of environment is gaining momentum in Nepal, the Environment protection Act, 2076 (2019) has replaced the earlier environmental Protection Act 2053 (1997). The Parliament enacted the Environment Protection Act, 2076 (2019) (the ¡°Act¡±) on July 19th, 2019. The current Environmental protection Act addresses the issue of the Climate change which was not included in the previous regime. It stresses to put the authorities to make the general public aware of climate change. Addition to this it aware the government of Nepal to recognizes the various sectors that produce and emits the green house gas and mitigates its effect in the environment. The concept of Carbon trading with foreign government and institutions was also emphasized by this Act. The concept of carbon trading originated in Kyoto Protocol, as per which each country has a cap on the amount of carbon they are allowed to release. It has also granted the right that any country that has the higher carbon they are allowed to trade from the country which has the lower carbon emission. In the context of the world wide scenario china is the biggest emitter of the green house gases followed by the USA , India, Russia and japan. Environmental protection and climate change has major impacts and consequences in Nepal because it is a country heavily dependent on agriculture. Installing more regulatory safeguards and imputing higher punishment will deter people from harming the environment. This is not only the way to safeguard our environment, we must have to be consensus our self for the protection of the environment from the individual level. Law connects us but our self morality inspires us as well others. References: http://risingnepaldaily.com/detour/a-look-into-nepals-environmental-lawhttp://www.pioneerlaw.com/news/environment-protection-act-2076-2019 ( Please accept my sincerely apologize for the delay as i was stuck on my final examination as well as field practical i am really so eager to read insightful reports ) |
Greetings Sandhya sis
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report
Keep writing
Green cheers
Asmita Gaire
Posted 13-02-2021 15:48
Hello Sandhya!
It's your SJ mentor.
I hope you are doing well.
Thank you for sharing a report on Nepal's newly enacted environmental laws.
Beyond the problem of waste disposal and environmental pollution, countries are now making efforts to cope with climate change.
Climate change is one of the biggest crises facing mankind, which poses a great threat to us.
In order to reduce carbon emissions that contribute to climate change, the government is trying to reduce the amount of carbon emissions generated in each industry.
I wonder if there is a carbon emission trading system in Nepal.
Keep writing!
Best regards,
SJ mentor.
Posted 18-01-2021 04:00
Hello Sandhya,
this is your mentor WooJoo.
Warm greetings from South Korea.
Thank you for sharing your report regarding environmental laws in Nepal.
Fortunately, most of the countries are establishing and enacting environmental laws to restore the damaged ecosystem and for our sustainability.
I think the public aware and education are the first thing that we should expend effort on.
And of course, more important thing would be to fulfill the environmental laws.
I am curious about how the Act affected people as well.
Keep sharing,
Posted 12-01-2021 21:04
Thank you @Dolma sis
Posted 11-01-2021 01:55
Thank you Alok Dhakal
Posted 11-01-2021 01:54
Thank you shobha for the kind feedbacks.
Posted 11-01-2021 01:54
Thank you for sharing your report about environment protection act of Nepal.
Posted 11-01-2021 00:15
Hello Sandhya dd
Thank you for sharing your report about environment protection Act of nepal
Keep writing keep sharing
We are eager to learn more from you.
Posted 10-01-2021 17:56
Hello Sandhya dd
Thanks for sharing such an informative report .
Keep sharing
Warm Regards ,
Posted 09-01-2021 14:56