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[Thematic report October: Environmental Movie]: ¡°The Tragic Tale of a Pangolin, the World¡¯s Most Trafficked Animal¡±.

by Nishan kc | 28-10-2020 21:11 recommendations 0

 ¡°The Tragic Tale of a Pangolin, the World¡¯s Most Trafficked Animal¡±.

With this thematic report, I will be taking about ¡°The Tragic Tale of a Pangolin, the World¡¯s Most Trafficked Animal¡± is the short film about the Illegal trade of pangolin. It is directed by Nick Rogacki and written by Katie Schuler.

Its story

The story starts with a poacher who moved to a pangolin habitat along with his domestic dog. Dogs contain a much stronger sense of smell that¡¯s why they detect suspicious activities. In the same way, many pangolin hunters use the dog for searching pangolin burrow and their indirect signs. After numerous attempts, the hunter was able to catch the pangolin. Whenever pangolins feel threatened, they roll like a ball, and this kind of behavior ease hunter to pick them. He brutally killed the pangolin and boiled it in hot water to separate scales. Pangolins are only the mammal to be covered with scales. Their scales are made up of keratin, the same protein that makes our hair and fingernail. He extracted scales and cut down the pangolin body into smaller pieces as like a chicken.

He put those pangolin scales and meat in his son¡¯s bag when his son was ready to leave for school and ordered to handle it to the middleman. The middleman picked those scales and meat and gave cash to the poacher¡¯s son. It is believed that the scales of a single pangolin can support a poacher and his family for a week. Finally, the scales and meat reached the smuggler where it¡¯s only a tiny constituent, tons and tons of pangolin scales and meats are shipped to Asian countries like China, Myanmar, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Malaysia but mainly in China and Vietnam. 

Pangolin meat is considered a delicacy and is in high demand in many restaurants in China and Vietnam. Its meat is often served as the most expensive item on the restaurant menu (KC, 2019a). Pangolin scales are used in traditional Chinese medicine with the myths of curing many diseases including mental illnesses, cancer, and asthma (KC, 2019b). However, there is no scientific evidence behind these because pangolins scales are made from Keratin, the same substance that makes our fingernails and rhino horns.

Its conservation message

The pangolin is a highly threatened mammal on this planet and increasing illegal trade of their scales and meats brings them close to extinction. There is no scientific evidence to support their medicinal values because their scales are comprised of keratin, the same protein that makes our hair and fingernails. Pangolins are regarded as the farmer¡¯s friend, as single pangolin can consume around 70 million ants and termites annually. We, the human are the guardian of pangolins so, it is only us who can save these peculiar species from extinction.

The story is overly based on the ground reality of hunting and trading mechanism of pangolin which is a heart beating. I highly recommend you all to have a watch and it¡¯s available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMx13JZ5FZU


¡¤        KC, Nishan. 2019a. Pangolin: The most trafficked mammal. Opinion, The Himalyan Times. Print edition:  Feb 20, 2019. Available at: https://thehimalayantimes.com/opinion/pangolin-the-most-trafficked-mammal/

¡¤        KC, Nishan. 2019b. Close to the Edge: Pangolins. Trickyscribe, December 8, 2019. Available at: https://www.thetrickyscribe.com/close-to-the-edge-pangolins/


Online sources

¡¤        Pangolins: Rare insight into world's most trafficked mammal. Available at: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-47200816

¡¤        Pangolins. The National Geographic. Available at: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/group/pangolins/#:~:text=This%20shy%20creature%2C%20as%20big,efforts%20needed%20to%20save%20them.





The Tragic Tale of a Pangolin

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  • Dormant user Nishan kc
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  • SJ Mentor says :
    Hello Nishan!
    It's your SJ mentor.

    Warm greetings from Korea!
    Thank you for sharing your report regarding the film covers Pangolin.
    A lot of animals are endangered because of poaching as tiger in Korea became extinct.
    I think medicinal rumor without foundation is one of the main reason people want to eat pangolin.
    Perception concerning consumption of pangolin as medicine must be corrected.
    Legal punishment related to poaching must be strengthened to protect peculiar, endangered species.
    Hope things are fine with you.
    Green cheers!

    Best regards,
    SJ mentor.
    Posted 11-11-2020 16:59

  • Mun WooJooMentor says :
    Hello Nishan,
    this is your mentor WooJoo.

    Thank you for sharing your report about the movie called 'The Tragic Tale of a Pangolin, the World??s Most Trafficked Animal'.
    I understand that each country can have its own tradition, eating habits, etc.
    However, I do not agree with illegal hunting, poaching, or killing of any kind of animals for just earthly desires.
    Not only pangolins, but elephants, rhinos, deers, crocodiles are being killed to obtain their horn, ivory, skin etc.
    We have plenty of other sources that we can use and eat, other than these.
    So animal poaching should be strictly prohibited, unless for justified reasons.
    I would like to hear more about your opinions, and thoughts related to the movie as well.

    Green cheers!

    Posted 03-11-2020 00:48

  • Shobha Pokhrel says :
    Hello Nishan ,

    HOPE you are doing well

    Thank you so much for such an informative report about pangloin and its trafficking ,

    Its all our responsbilty to make its existence forever .

    Keep sharing
    Warm Regards ,

    Posted 28-10-2020 22:52

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