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[Free report] Dynamic Values of Resources

by Seyoung Kwon | 16-08-2020 05:23 recommendations 0

There are different types of resources available and their values have been changed over time due to the changes and developments in technology, culture, and economy. This is called dynamic values of resources. I¡¯d like to introduce this concept with several examples.

  1. Uranium

Uranium originally had no value as it was just one of ores. However, it started to be considered as valuable in the mid-twentieth century due to development of nuclear technology: nuclear weapons and energy. Currently, uranium is one of very important and valuable resources, but its value and price still fluctuates based on nuclear disasters like nuclear power plant explosions. However, its value might rise in the future as energy with low carbon emission will be preferred.

  1. Oil

Oil has been very valuable but its value fluctuates depending on following situations: the value decreases if there is a high supply of oil, issues with climate change, and disasters like oil spill, and the value rises if there is a high oil demand by consumers and wars.

  1. Lithium

Lithium had no value before the use of electronic devices and was considered as one of ores like uranium. However, as lithium is a major component of batteries of electronic devices, it is currently very valuable since we can¡¯t even imagine our lives without electronic devices. Also, it is expected that lithium¡¯s value will remain high unless an alternative source for batteries is found.

  1. Cork

In the past, corks used to be harvested from cork trees to produce wine stoppers, but wines now use metal lids so cork is not valuable anymore as a wine stopper. However, cork forest is a great habitat for keeping biodiversity, which should be protected.

The four examples show how values of different resources have changed over time and fluctuate depending on some major and minor issues. I hope this report can help you understand the concept of dynamic value of resources.


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  • Dormant user Seyoung Kwon
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  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Greetings seyoung
    I hope you are doing well
    Very detailed and informative one
    Thank you so much for this report
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 18-09-2020 12:34

  • Sang Su Mentor says :
    Hi Seyoung Kwon, this is a mentor, Sang Su Lee.

    Thank you for introducing different kinds of resources and their characteristics. It is important to study the feature of the resource because this will help to save the environment indirectly by not using the harmful material.

    Green cheers!~
    Posted 31-08-2020 03:31

  • Bal krishna Pandey says :
    Hello Seyoung,
    thank you very much for your report on Dynamic Values of Resources. I did not know before the uses of such ores. Resources should be used properly, always we should think if there is even a minor negative consequences.
    Green cheers~
    Posted 18-08-2020 15:17

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Seyoung

    Greetings and Namaste from Nepal
    Wishing you a safe stay
    Thank you for your report on Dynamic Values of Resources

    Keep writing great reports.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.
    Green Cheers :)

    Best wishes,
    Kushal Naharki

    Posted 17-08-2020 20:28

  • Taehyun Mentor says :
    Hello Seyoung Kwon this is mentor Taehyun!

    There is a variety of materials, and its value varies with the times. The basic principle of economics is that the materials we need go up, and the materials we don't need go down. Will minerals like uranium, which we now consider expensive, be sold at high prices even after nuclear power plants are gone? I don't know. I think it's an interesting problem.

    Thank you for the report!

    Green cheers!
    Posted 17-08-2020 16:37

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