(Thematic Report) Chemical substances that affect the environment positively or negatively |
by Arjun Anand | 19-04-2020 23:15
Hello to all the mentors,ambassadors and members, In today¡¯s world, it is impossible to imagine a world without man made chemicals. If we look around us, the volume and amount of chemicals present around us is astonishing. For example, there are so many chemicals present in the food we eat,cosmetics, cleaning products, clothing and toys.Today I will be telling you about a few chemicals that affect the environment negatively. Pesticides and Insecticides : Pesticides are substances that are meant to control pests, including weeds.The term pesticides usually includes fungicides , herbicides and insecticides. Although pesticides prevent pests and other insects from ruining the crops, these have a major impact on the ecosystem as well as human health. Firstly, these pesticides contribute to air pollution. Due to wind, the particles of pesticides get suspended in the air. These particles could potentially harm human beings. In a research conducted by the US Geological Survey, it was found that pesticides pollute 90% of wells. This is alarming, as it can impact the ground water level. Thirdly, these pesticides kill useful microorganisms. Alternatives to pesticides: Biopesticides are certain types of pesticides derived from such natural materials as animals, plants, bacteria, and certain minerals. For example, canola oil and baking soda have pesticidal applications and are considered biopesticides. Since these pecticides are made from natural materials, they will affect the environment less. Also, Biopesticides often are effective in very small quantities and often decompose quickly, resulting in lower exposures and largely avoiding the pollution problems caused by conventional pesticides. EDCs (Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals) : These are chemicals that interfere with naturally produced hormones ( our body¡¯s chemical messengers). Out of these, some chemicals mimic hormones by sending false messages. Some others prevent true messages to get through. EDCs acummalate in the tissues of organisms and move up through the food web. Since these chemicals pass from mother to off spring , they harm species far from their original source. Some common examples of EDCs include DDT and other pesticides; bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates used in children's products, personal care products and food contain- ers; and flame retardants used in furniture and floor coverings. References : https://wwf.panda.org/knowledge_hub/teacher_resources/webfieldtrips/toxics/our_chemical_world/edcs/ https://www.epa.gov/ingredients-used-pesticide-products/what-are-biopesticides https://www.pesticidereform.org/pesticides-human-health/ https://wwf.panda.org/knowledge_hub/teacher_resources/webfieldtrips/toxics/our_chemical_world/ |
Thanks for sharing.
Posted 28-04-2020 20:19
Its me Dibya Bhatta from Nepal,Currently living in South Korea for my research Internship.
It was really nice reading your report!
keep writing and shining!! :)
If you have any queries related to this internship, You can find me on twitter as :
stay safe from coronavirus!
keep working for mother earth to hand it to future generations!
Green cheers!
Posted 27-04-2020 10:23
thanks all
Posted 23-04-2020 12:50
Hi Arjun Anand, this is a mentor, Sang Su Lee.
Thank you for your report about pesticides and their impacts on the environment. Bio-magnification and resistance within pests due to pesticides are two most serious problems that the environment is facing due to pesticides. Always we have to use proper amount of them, or we can use bio-pesticides as you mentioned.
Green Cheers@!
Posted 23-04-2020 01:30
Thanks for sharing
Posted 23-04-2020 00:45
Hello Arjun!!
Excessive use of pesticides has cause huge impact on food quality,different beneficial insects,environment as well as our health. Biological pesticides can helps to reduce these impacts and are environmentally friendly .
Thanks for sharing!!
Posted 21-04-2020 11:47
Hello Arjun,
I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
Thank you for your report about Chemical substances that affect the environment positively or negatively
Green Cheers from Nepal :)
Keep writing great reports.
We are eager to read more reports from you.
Kushal Naharki
Posted 21-04-2020 03:33
Hello Arjun Anand, this is mentor Taehyun!
Thank you for the report about pesticides. Pesticides are for the convenience of the farmers. And ultimately, it is a chemical product that is designed to kill living things. So, is it safe to the human? I cannot answer it easily so like you. We have seen many examples of chemical exploitation and all of that ended tragically. So, let's consider the chemical properties which can be related to environmental pollution!
Thank you for the report!
Green cheers!
Posted 20-04-2020 23:09
Hello Arjun,
Thanks for providing information about pesticides and its alternatives.
Biological pesticides and insecticides are beneficial to environment health.
thanks for your great report.
Posted 20-04-2020 14:13
Thank you for sharing.
Posted 20-04-2020 12:17
Thanks for sharing .
Posted 20-04-2020 10:02
You are right, chemistry is everywhere in our life. And the impact of chemistry on our lives is difficult to overestimate. Thank you for your informative report!
Posted 20-04-2020 04:03