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What is Blue Economy in Kenya (Free Topic)

by Cassie Kenny | 08-04-2020 15:37 recommendations 0

Blue economy is an emerging concept which encourages better stewardship of the water bodies such as the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers and the resources therein.
Blue economy aims at improving human wellbeing and social equity while reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities.
Blue economy goes beyond ocean economy that is solely for businesses such as shipping  ,commercial fishing ,oil ,gas ,mineral mining among other activities but instead it supports  the  sustainable goal about life below water that requires an action that  sustainably manages and protects the water bodies with the life in it .The  world¡¯s ocean is essential to life on our planet. This is because it is the largest source of oxygen and protein and absorbs around a quarter of our carbon dioxide emissions
Focusing on Kenya, its coastal and marine environment is endowed with rich natural resources which are of immense social and cultural value to the nation. These resources have massive economical potential. To harness this potential, the Kenyan government created a presidential Blue economy Task Force in 2017 with an objective of prioritizing the sustainable use of ocean and lakes resources for economic growth, livelihoods and jobs and ocean ecosystem health. The taskforce oversees interventions to achieve these objectives in sectors such as fisheries and aquaculture, maritime transport, culture and tourism
Waste and plastic pollution has been a threat to the blue economy that the country has adopted in the recent years and this pollution is also a threat to food security, public health and marine life. Kenya¡¯s recent ban on single use plastic is an important and big step towards embracing the blue economy
. The country is also working to ensure responsible and sustainable fishing-a sector where millions of people depend on as a source of livelihood. Kenya launched a new Coast Guard in 2018 for reasons of ending over fishing, piracy and illegal fishing. This would ensure sustainable fisheries resources through strengthening ocean governance and environmental protection. Implementation of these and similar progressive actions from Kenya and partners can help the country and region development vibrant and resilient economies that are protective of the environment. As the Kenyan president, President Kenyatta noted, ¡®unless our environmental riches are protected, there can be no lasting prosperity for any of us¡¯
Sustainable Blue Economy Conference Technical document Review Committee.
¡®¡¯Report on the Global Sustainable Blue Economy Conference ¡¯Blue Economy Conference, Dec.2018 

Ocean waves  Source:https://d36m266ykvepgv.cloudfront.net/uploads/media/Exhz4zgjeG/o/tide-blue-team-photo.jpg

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  • Dormant user Cassie Kenny
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  • Susmita Adhikari says :
    I hope you are doing well

    Thank you so much for this report
    Posted 23-04-2020 00:19

  • Dibya Bhatta says :
    Hello friend,
    Its me Dibya Bhatta from Nepal,Currently working as researcher here at GIST ,South Korea
    It was nice reading your report!
    hope you are safe from corona!
    keep sharing the report!
    Posted 18-04-2020 21:43

  • Taehyun Mentor says :
    Hello Cassie Kenny, greeting from mentor Taehyun.

    Thank you for a report about the 'Blue economy'. The term, the blue economy is quite new for me. But, after I read your report, I easily can understand the blue economy. And I'm so glad that Kenya is now working hard to make a sustainable blue economy. I'm impressed with the last quote. It can make all of us participate in this environment protection activities!

    Thank you for the report!

    Green cheers!
    Posted 12-04-2020 02:13

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Cassie

    I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
    Thank you for your report about What is Blue Economy in Kenya

    Green Cheers from Nepal :)
    Keep writing great reports.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.

    Kushal Naharki

    Posted 10-04-2020 19:20

  • Jasmine Karki says :
    I do hope everything is going well..

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us!!
    It was awesome to go through it and know about blue economy..
    I really loved and enjoyed going through it .
    Keep writing such wonderful reports!!

    Green cheers.
    Jasmine karki
    Posted 10-04-2020 01:05

  • Sang Su Mentor says :
    Hi Cassie Kenny, this is a mentor Sang Su Lee.

    Thank you for introducing a terminology, Blue Economy. I've never heard of it.

    Oceans as you mentioned are important habitats for so many living things and treasures for humans. Therefore, it is imperative to make it clean and maintain their conditions. However, I feel sad that a plethora pieces of trash are flowing into the sea and polluting the oceans. I hope more environmental behaviors of factories and humans for green earth.
    Posted 10-04-2020 00:54

  • Alan Portocarrero says :
    Hello Cassi,
    Thanks for sharing this info. I have learnt for the first time the concept of Blue Economic. Really useful your article.
    Posted 09-04-2020 04:42

  • Anthony Duxell Malle says :
    Greetings Ambassador Cassie Kenny , Wahoo it is good to know about the blue economy especially that of Kenya.
    Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to read more articles from you.
    Posted 09-04-2020 03:36

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sonika Pariyar says :
    Greeting Cassie!!!

    Its great to know about blue economy!!
    Such a great concept for protection of environment!!
    Hope to know more from you!



    Posted 08-04-2020 18:09

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