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[Free Report] Stray Animal Welfare during COVID-19 lock down period

by Bal krishna Pandey | 06-04-2020 15:48 recommendations 0

The problem of stray dogs in South Asia and developing countries like Nepal, India, Pakistan is one of the major problems in animal welfare. For example: About 35 million stray dogs are estimated in India[1]. 

The prolonged lock down applied to control COVID-19 is causing problems not only to humans but even animals and birds. Even after people are inside the house, the street animals have not had a chance to eat in many cities of Nepal. Today, we think of a human being who cannot work and eat tomorrow because of lock down, but who cannot earn, cannot ask for food, is hungry, thirsty, cannot speak even when sick, has to think about that living creature, so being the most intellectual creature in the world, It is responsibility of all of us to be wise and care for such creatures.
 As we all know, there are mainly five basic principles of animal welfare. They are as follows[4]: 
Freedom from hunger and thirst 
Freedom from discomfort
Freedom from pain, injury, or disease
Freedom to express normal behavior
Freedom from fear and distress

Freedom from hunger and thirst is one of the privilege for the animals.we cannot feed the animals according to their species, age, sex or type of nutrients during this self lock down situation, but at least we can keep some waters or left over foods outside our home/at the roof or anywhere so that animals can consume in need.

To date, it has not been proven that domestic animals transmit corona virus to humans. On the contrary, there is some news that humans have transmitted the disease to dogs and tiger[2,3]. That's why it's important to feed stray animals and community birds with all the necessary precautions before and after feeding stray animals. Safety is better than sorry. So safety of human and animal is always essential. Feeding the strays at the right time and right place makes the best sense during this pandemic.

 In Nepal, some animal right and animal welfare organizations and youths have been volunteering to feed street dogs on a regular basis. Sneha's Care, which has been in the field of animal rights and welfare since 2014, has been working to feed street dogs, cats, cows, and monkeys[5,6]. Similarly, in many places in Nepal and India, many associations and individuals have played a major responsibility to protect animals. Stray Animal management has always been a problem, not just during this lock down period. I would like to honor all the helping hands that have provided food and love to street animals from anywhere. Since it is not possible to work with limited organizations and people everywhere, I have a heartfelt request to everyone for the love of animals. But human safety, and the welfare of animals always comes first.

Sneha care feeding monkeymonkey feedingsneha care feeding stray dogs

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  • Dormant user Bal krishna Pandey
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  • Theodore Bechlivanis says :
    Thank you for providing insight on vet science and animal welfare issues with your reports, I really enjoy learning from you!
    Posted 28-04-2020 02:46

  • Susmita Adhikari says :
    I hope you are doing well

    Thank you so much for this report
    Posted 23-04-2020 00:19

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Bal krishna

    I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
    Thank you for your report about Stray Animal Welfare during COVID-19 lock down period

    Green Cheers from Nepal :)
    Keep writing great reports.
    We are eager to read more reports from you.

    Kushal Naharki

    Posted 10-04-2020 19:25

  • Jasmine Karki says :
    I do hope everything is going well..

    Thank you so much for sharing this report with us!!
    It was just awesome to go through it..
    Hope to learn more from you..

    Green cheers
    Jasmine karki
    Posted 08-04-2020 01:35

  • Sang Su Mentor says :
    Hi Bal krishna Pandey, this is a mentor Sang Su Lee.

    I have a slightly different opinion from yours. I totally agree that we, humans, should never harm the animals in any means. However, I do not perfectly agree that humans should provide shelters and foods for animals. I guess these are from different perspectives. Those people who are in favor of animal welfare might insist that humans destroyed a lot of animal habitats, and therefore, we need to care them. I agree in this part. However, I don't think its our duties to make them alive and live well.

    Thank you for your interesting article.
    Posted 08-04-2020 00:14

  • Pooja Gyawali says :
    Hello dai!!!
    well said it is our responsibilty to feed street animals seen around our environment during this critical period.
    Posted 07-04-2020 19:12

  • Yuqing Yang says :
    This is informative. Thank you for the report with regards to conditions of animals.

    Posted 07-04-2020 11:09

  • Taehyun Mentor says :
    Hello Bal krishna Pandey, this is mentor Taehyun!

    Thank you for a report about a new perspective with COVID-19! Actually, when disaster comes, we think that human is the only victims in this disaster, but as you said, animals and other species can also harm with this disaster directly or indirectly. For example, after the nuclear plant accident in Japan, left dominant animals died or get ill because of the lack of food and management. So, we have to think other ways in all circumstances, even if it will be hard!

    Thank you for a report!

    Green cheers!
    Posted 07-04-2020 01:47

  • Sagar Koirala says :
    Hello Balkrishna dai,
    Green Cheers

    During this pandemic, we must not forgt about street dogs. We must all make our efforts to create better conditions for stray dogs.

    Sagar Koirala
    Posted 07-04-2020 00:25

  • Susma Thapa says :
    Hello Bal krishna dai,
    I hope you are fine and doing well,
    Thank you for this wonderful report.

    Posted 07-04-2020 00:03

  • sandesh thapa says :
    thank you for the beautiful report.
    Posted 06-04-2020 23:47

  • Fahd Rasul says :
    Very important aspect highlighted.
    Posted 06-04-2020 22:33

Sonika Pariyar

  • Sonika Pariyar says :
    Hello Bal krishna dai!!

    Thank you for sharing us about Animal welfare ,its principle and condition of stray dog due after COVID-19.
    Hope to know more from you!!



    Posted 06-04-2020 21:58

  • Paras Kunwar says :
    Thanks for report.
    Really great work.
    Posted 06-04-2020 16:15

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