My Favourite Book EVER |
by Elliot Connor | 12-02-2020 04:02
It's not easy for me to write about environmental books, because there are so many which I love. I'll use this brief article to outline a few all-time favourites:
Lawrence Anthony must come first of any list, and especially his book 'The Elephant Whisperer,' written as an autobiography of several years' spent gaining the trust of a rogue herd of elephants on his property. Lawrence writes superbly, but more importantly the events he describes are heart-rending in the extreme. He was an amazing conservationist, though he passed away only recently in 2012. Gerald Durrell of course is a great name in the space, for his work with zoos but primarily for the prodigious amount of literary work he produced simultaneously to this all. He, as Lawrence Anthony, had some incredible experiences, which are described in such a glib and engaging manner that anyone with little experience in environmentalism can easily connect and understand. The trust established after his death is a wonderful ongoing tribute to his vision and work; the Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization similarly, and indeed I have talked with both. Finally, I must not neglect to mention Frans de Waal: no novelist he, but his work, coming from his scientific background in primatology is fascinating to explore in the academic and intellectual realms. Discussing anthropomorphism, and his own coinage- Anthropodenial- this is revelatory in the extreme. I'm no film connosseur, but his vivid passages and anecdotes seem so real that one cannot help being transported into his perception of certain incidences. Keen to hear others' thoughts on favourite books (and films)... |
I do hope everything is going well..
Thank you so much for sharing your report!!
Green cheers
Jasmine karki
Posted 13-03-2020 12:27
Hello Elliot
I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
Thank you for your report about your Favourite Book EVER
Green Cheers from Nepal :)
Keep writing great reports.
We are eager to read more reports from you.
Kushal Naharki
Posted 17-02-2020 21:47
Hello Elliot
The books you introduced seem really interesting!
I especially want to try the last one, which is about the primates, since I used to have big interest about them. Books are such a great tool to view the world since it contains variety of experiences and knowledge of the authors.
Thank you for the great report!
Posted 14-02-2020 23:32
Hey that was a really positive feedback of the book. Looking forward to read the book and share my experience.
Posted 13-02-2020 20:12
Hey Elliot!
It's Lisa.
No surprise to the book that you have chosen!
I would really love to read it myself seeing how much it inspired you to engage in this field!
It's so great how we get to share some of our favorites books and films and further discuss regarding the agendas presented in them.
Thank you for your recommendations :)
Posted 12-02-2020 23:03
Great report!
Keep writing!
Green cheers!
Posted 12-02-2020 17:38