In one of my reports, I already talked about how the Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio is actively fighting for the environment. Widely known for his documentary "Save the planet", filmed in 2016.
I was sincerely sure that Leo was a pioneer in this field, but I was wrong. Before him, in 2012, no less famous Hollywood actor Jeremy Irons acted as a producer and main character in the documentary "Trashed".
In this film, Jeremy Irons will make a huge journey, he will fly from continent to continent just to convey to his audience one simple truth: consumer society is destroying the planet. He will discuss with leading scientists and ecologists of the world the problem of ecological disaster. Together with the Director and the entire crew, he will visit cleaning stations, fishing boats, jungles, rocky fjords, and everywhere will face the problem of garbage and its disposal.
Jeremy Irons comments on what is happening, asks questions and takes part in environmental actions, and in between shares his personal impressions. For example, he reports that during his childhood, the beaches where he vacationed with his parents were crystal clear. But over the past few years, they have changed dramatically when disposable plastic tableware appeared – the main supplier of garbage on the planet.
Jeremy Irons travels to the most problematic places from an environmental point of view. He started his journey from a Lebanese dump located on the Mediterranean coast. A huge pile of garbage, brought here from all over the area, gradually descends into the water and spreads throughout the Mediterranean. As you go deeper into the topic, the authors will present many facts about the terrible state of our planet, and a kind of apotheosis of this garbage trip will be Indonesia. But by the time the queue reaches the Indonesian landfill city, you will already know a lot about waste in the UK, about the incineration stoves in Iceland, about the plastic soup that the oceans are gradually turning into, about Vietnamese children born without eyes (victims of spraying chemicals during the war half a century ago), about toxins and dioxins¡¦
Watching this movie from a moral point of view is not easy. By the end, I would have been extremely emotionally depressed if the authors had not tried to find and offer a way out of this ecological Apocalypse. Offering an alternative to the garbage problem, Americans, for example, present as a model the experience of San Francisco, where the "Zero waste" program allowed all the city's garbage to be recycled. After all, as it turns out: garbage dumps are not environmentally friendly, and incinerators are not. Only processing plants, only the refusal or strong restriction of the use of plastic packaging-these are the very first and necessary measures that should be taken as soon as possible.
The authors of the film make it clear that dioxins that occur when burning garbage do not fly away to nowhere, but return back to earth and through food enter the human body, where they settle in the internal organs and cause cancer, which is about to come out on top among the most "popular" diseases. But if you think that a person punishes only himself for his own thoughtlessness, then you are mistaken. Animals that are subject to all sorts of mutations and voluntarily pass away from life suffer no less, as evidenced by the repeated facts of marine mammals being thrown on land.
But what is most terrible is the inaction of the authorities, their unwillingness to help their citizens, their eternal greed and thirst for profit. From viewing it becomes clear that huge corporations that exceed acceptable emission thresholds earn enormous amounts of money from garbage.
The film "Trashed", in which Jeremy Irons takes part, sounds like a furious Manifesto, as a loud statement against the disgusting bacchanalia that is happening on the planet. And looking at the fact that such projects as "Save the planet" will be filmed later, any thinking viewer will want to believe that Jeremy's work was not in vain. Jeremy Irons has already made a small contribution to the fight for the environment. Now it's our turn.
Greetings Nikolay
I hope you are doing well
Very well written report.
Thank you so much for this Report.
Keep writing
Green cheers
Posted 21-03-2020 10:51
Hello nikolay
I hope you are doing well!
Nice report
Keep writing
Thank you so much for this report!
Looking forward to reading some more reports.
Green cheers!
Best regards
Posted 19-03-2020 11:50
I do hope everything is going well..
Thank you so much for sharing your report.
Was great to go through it..
Keep writing and sharing!!!
Green cheers
Jasmine karki
Posted 15-03-2020 15:03
Hello Hyeongmin Mentor! In fact, Jeremy Irons is a very famous actor, winner of an Oscar and many other cinematic awards. And he is one of those who uses his fame to draw attention to environmental issues.
Posted 30-01-2020 03:33
Hello Kushal!
Yes, my affairs are in order. I recently passed my first exam session at the University.
And I congratulate you once again on your success in your eco-Ambassador mission!
Thank you for reading my reports!
Posted 30-01-2020 03:28
Hey Lisa! Thank you very much for your feedback! I must admit that I also liked this film a little less than the film directed by Leonardo Dicaprio, but let's not forget that Jeremy Irons was a pioneer.
Posted 30-01-2020 03:12
Hello Nikolay
I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
Thank you for your report about the film 'Trashed'
Green Cheers from Nepal :)
Keep writing great reports.
We are eager to read more reports from you.
Kushal Naharki
Posted 22-01-2020 16:03
Hello Nikolay
I've never heard of this Hollywood actor, and his actions are very impressive to me. Being a famous actor will bring him much wealth and fame, and that will naturally lead to large quantity of consumption. Thinking about stopping consumerism and protecting the environment in that kind of situation is certainly not an easy thing to come up with.
Environmental actions from famous people will bring large impact throughout the society. I hope more and more celebrities come up with great actions and influence many other people!
Posted 22-01-2020 15:06
Hey Nikolay
this is your mentor Lisa!
Great movie you have here and as a matter of fact, Leonard Dicaprio has been an active environmental activist for long time! I am sure you are familiar with the fact as well. I really think it's amazing how these actors are contributing to making this world a better place to live with their talents!
I love how you used the expression 'manifesto' in your critique of the film indeed the message is strong and clear throughout the movie. Raw imagery of those burning trashes makes the problem even more realistic that we can acknowledge the seriousness of it.
Even though I have watched the movie, I can say that I enjoyed reading your critique more than I enjoyed the movie:)
Great report!
Posted 21-01-2020 17:06