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Sugarcane Baggase as Renewable Energy

by | 24-10-2014 01:22 recommendations 0

Sugarcane baggase is the main waste produced in huge amount by sugar industries, sugar industries is still the largest among the food processing industries in the world. 1 tonnes of sugarcane produced 280kg of wet baggase, the fibrous matter remain after sugarcane are cruised to extract the juice. 54 million dry tonnes of baggase are generated per annum worldwide.

Sugarcane bagasse is abundantly agro-waste produced world-wide and has been used in different applications. Other application of sugarcane baggase is as animal feed, energy, pulp and paper. In the paper industry, the sugarcane baggase was converted into paper pulp.High growth rate of sugar cane plant lower energy and bleaching requirement make it a good material for paper industry. However some country is still using chlorine to bleach the baggase which is harmful for the environment.

Currently, I am doing a study to evaluate the potential and efficiency of sugarcane baggase as a renewable fuel. Sugarcane baggase has a huge potential in replacing fossil fuels and other non-renewable energy.   The reason that I started up this study is because I found a lot of stall in Malaysia which selling sugarcane juice usually throw their sugarcane baggase away after they extract the juice.  They don?t know where to dispose their waste.

Hence, I collected the sugarcane baggase from night market, dried it under sun, blend it and compressed it into fuel pellets. It is found that this kind of pellets burn more efficiently and burn cleaner if compared to fossil fuel as they release lesser carbon to the environment. This study will be continuing by expanding it to different type of biomass.


sugarcane baggase collection at night marketdried sugarcane 



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  • says :
    Thank you for sharing, Wen Shin Chia!
    Posted 27-11-2014 13:16

  • says :
    I hope an eventful & positive outcome from your project of energy from Sugarcane Baggage, Wen Shin.
    This is encouraging news for sustainability.
    Posted 28-10-2014 19:31

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Sugarcane Baggage as a renewable energy source is yet another potential replacement of fossil fuels.
    Pls do share the result of your study & all the best Wen Shin.
    Posted 27-10-2014 21:06

  • says :
    Wow, it's a brilliant and lovely idea wen shin :) I am eagerly waiting for the result of your sweet(as it's 'sugar'cane) experiment.
    Posted 27-10-2014 11:10

  • says :
    @Aysha Thank you for the additional information :)
    Posted 27-10-2014 11:09

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for an interesting report , Wen.
    Sugarcane is a tree-free renewable resource. Historically, bagasse waste has been burned in the fields, and thereby creating pollution. Now, bagasse is used to manufacturer eco friendly food service products replacing traditional paper, plastics and styrofoam products. Products manufactured from bagasse require less energy than plastics products. By adopting bagasse products, wee indirectly help in reducing the pollution and energy consumption. Bagasse sugarcane plates, bowl, compartment trays, to go containers, clamshells are much better alternative for food service industry.

    Sugarcane baggase has so many applications but not many people know . Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 25-10-2014 04:53

  • says :
    Anticipate to know the result. Do share with us!
    Posted 24-10-2014 22:58

  • says :
    Very informative article. I never knew that sugarcane can be used for this purpose. Thanks for sharing
    Posted 24-10-2014 04:44

  • says :
    I too once did a project on sugarcane waste baggase. most of the baggase produced in the sugar mills in Pakistan is used by them as a fuel to heat the boilers. The common people in villages are ecofriendly enough to use it as a fuel to produce brown sugar and they dry it in their own farms. they crush the sugarcane to get the juice and use the dried baggase to produce brown sugar from the sugarcane juice. This brown sugar is better in taste and is chemical free. I prefer using it in place of white sugar. I have pictures of that i wish i could share those here.
    Posted 24-10-2014 02:20

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