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Earth Summit 2012

by | 18-05-2012 12:44 recommendations 0

Hi! Everybody!!!

Long time no see~~  What have you been doing these days??

I missed Tunza Eco Generation and were happy to bring back new issues!!

For last 4 articles, I mainly talked about pollution currently occurring in Korea.  This month I would like to introduce new topic dealing with summits planned to be held in 2012.  I will also tell you the way to participate in those meetings.


Let?s look at Earth Summit 2012 which will be held from 20 - 22 June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  The world is facing a mounting crisis. In recent years we have experienced a combination of a global financial crisis, a food crisis, volatile oil prices, and accelerating ecosystem degradation.  These multiple and inter-related crises call into question the ability of a growing human population to live peacefully and sustainably on this planet, and demand the urgent attention governments and citizens around the world.


Earth Summit 2012 is referred to as the Rio+20 or the UNCSD due to the initial conference held in Rio in 1992, the objectives of the Summit are to secure renewed political commitment and to assess progress towards sustainable development. The summit will also focus on a green economy in the context of an institutional framework.


This fourth summit held in 2012 is an ongoing international effort to accelerate progress towards achieving sustainable development globally. This organizes stakeholder forum?s sustainable development timeline, earth summit history, milestones towards the UN resolution, and stakeholder forum.


Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future is an international multi-stakeholder organization working on sustainable development, supporting the increased involvement in international and national governance processes.  This dates back to its conception in 1987, as the first National Committee in the UK for the United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP.  After the Earth Summit our offices were stacked with Agenda 21 reports were able to send out to policy-makers, local governments, think-tanks, NGOs, schools and all kinds of community-based organizations.


The most important project they are aiming at deals with Global Transition 2012.  They monthly write challenge papers which further develop a clear perspective on the emerging priority areas and include overarching theme papers addressing The Green Economy, as well as Blue Economy.  The contents include energy, food security, global trade, global finance, employment and skills, and natural capital.


For further information, you can easily sign up to Earth summit network news, by following this link!!!  http://www.earthsummit2012.org/get-involved/newsletter-sign-up!! See you soon for the next article!!


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  • says :
    I hope we get The Future We Want !
    Posted 20-05-2012 04:00

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