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What is carbon footprint and How can we reduce it ?

by | 29-04-2015 03:26 recommendations 0

Carbon Footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization, or community.

We hear a lot of talk about climate change and the devastating effects carbon pollution is having on the planet. From devastating storms to food insecurity caused by altered weather patterns, there's no questioning that carbon pollution is leaving its toll on the planet.

It can be difficult, however, to figure out what you can do to help. Melting icebergs and massive tornados are forces much larger than one individual. That said, there are various actions you can take every day that will help keep the planet healthy for generations to come.


Change Your Lightbulbs:

An easy fix you can make that will help the planet every day is to switch all of the lights in your house to compact fluorescent bulbs. One bulb can reduce up to 1,300 pounds of carbon dioxide pollution during its lifetime.


Unplug Your Gadgets:

Completely powering off your gadgets isn't just good for your devices, it's good for the planet. What's even better is unplugging your chargers when they're not in use. Adopting these practices can save you $100 each year on your energy bill.


Take Public Transit or Carpool:

The benefits of carpooling are quite simple to see. One car uses less gas than two and much less than three. Similarly, riding the bus or train to work helps to slash down the number of cards on the road.


Choose a Laptop Over a Desktop:

Laptops, unlike desktop computers, are designed to be energy-efficient, because battery life is a major factor to laptop design. According to Energy Star, a laptop can be up to 80% more energy-efficient than a desktop.


Filter Your Own Water

If you still buy packaged bottled water, you're doing the planet a major disservice. If you live in most western countries, tap water is perfectly suitable for consumption, especially if you use a filtration pitcher.


Adjust Your Curtains and Thermostat:

Simple adjustments to moderate the temperature in your house can make a big difference for the planet. If you keep your house two degrees warmer in the summer and two degrees cooler in the winter you can save a lot of money on your energy bills.

Similarly, keep your curtains open during the day in the winter to let in sunlight, and close them at night to keep in warmth. During the summer, close the curtains during the day to keep out extra sunlight and open them at night to moderate the temperature, or even open them to let in a cool breeze.


Buy Local Food:

Purchasing foods that are both in season and grown locally can drastically cut down the carbon emissions of the vehicles used to transport your winter watermelon across the country.


Plant a Tree:

This classic way to give back to the environment is one of the most efficient ways you can cut your carbon footprint. Trees provide shade and oxygen while consuming carbon dioxide. A single young tree absorbs 13 pounds of carbon dioxide each year. That amount will climb up to 48 pounds annually as trees mature.


Chose Energy-Efficient Kitchen Appliances:

Though not the classiest option, microwaving your food is faster and often uses less energy than the stove. If a meal takes 15 minutes to cook in the microwave versus one hour in the stove, you'll save roughly 20 cents off your energy bill each time.



I hope all of you find these tips useful and you do implement them in your lives. 



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What is carbon footprint and How can we reduce it ?

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Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Thanks for the well noted ways to reduce our carbon footprint! These are indeed basic steps we can follow. Let's be environmentally conscious citizen by acting! :D
    Posted 30-04-2015 09:10

  • says :
    Thank you Humaid for the cool tips to reduce the CO2 emission. I've got to know that laptop computer uses 80% less energy than desktop does. Wow! I was considering to buy a computer for my mother and thinking about a desktop. I will definitely go with a laptop computer thanks to your tip.
    Posted 29-04-2015 16:31

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for the simple but very useful tips to reduce carbon footprint. As ambassadors , we must keep sharing such tips time and again to emphasise their importance till people start adopting them.
    Posted 29-04-2015 12:05

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