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by Arushi Madan | 30-05-2015 06:25 recommendations 0

I would like to share with you a fantastic and an innovative campaign by an electronics giant "Electrolux" on the launch of their new product.

Electrolux, a Swedish home appliances brand, launched its first-ever air conditioning range in the region and one tree will be planted on the sale of each unit. The central idea behind the campaign is to give back to the community. 

As part of its campaign, Electrolux has pledged to plant 5,000 seeds of the ghaf tree in the first year of the launch of the air conditioner range. The ghaf tree, which is also the UAE National Tree, is a major source of living for over 30 desert species and needs very little water, half litre a day in summer, and all its parts could be used for different purposes.

The brand has partnered with local NGO Goumbook?s Give a Ghaf intiative to carry out the planting. The endangered Ghaf tree is seen as a regional symbol of wellbeing and Electrolux is playing its role in the preservation of the regional environment as part of the company?s overall commitment to the region and its initiative for cleaner, healthier living.


To kick-off the campaign, Electrolux invited select media, regional influencers and internal management to plant the first 100 seeds at the Greenworks Nursery at Al Barari on Thursday, 28th May 2015. The brand will also be planting a tree for every air conditioner unit sold and aims to grow its commitment in terms of the number of Ghaf trees planted year on year.


Sustainability is at the very heart of  Electrolux?s business, and it has recently made a commitment to reduce their Greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2020.  This goal will be achieved  mainly through thoughtful product design and manufacturing. Electrolux?s continued focus on its environmental impact has been duly recognized by the likes of DOW Jones sustainability index, FTSE 4 Good and numerous other leading environmental indices that measure the performance of industry leaders in sustainability.?


Trees play a crucial role as fundamental components of the biodiversity that forms the foundation of the living networks and systems that provide us with health, wealth, food, fuel and vital ecosystem. They help provide breathable air, drinkable water, fertile soils and a stable climate. If giants like Electrolux start campaigns like this  , it will convey a strong message and other companies will follow soon.



Sources :

The Gulf Today

Curiousity Middle East




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  • Dormant user Arushi Madan
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  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello arushi
    I hope you are doing well
    Very good action by Electrolux
    Thank you so much for this report
    Keep writing
    Green cheers
    Asmita Gaire
    Posted 30-05-2020 22:38

  • says :
    Wow! Hats off to Electrolux rand for this innovative campaign. I hope other companies follows the eco- friendly track adopted by Electrolux.
    Thank you fro sharing this happy news sister :)
    Posted 01-06-2015 22:51

  • says :
    Way to go Electrolux
    thanks for the report Arushi
    Posted 30-05-2015 09:49

  • says :
    Wow! Eco- friendly strategy by Electrolux, every sale will send a strong message about the importance of plantation, way to go!
    Thanks for sharing Arushi :)
    Posted 30-05-2015 09:36

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