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?Save Nepal Campaign? by The Millennium School, Dubai

by | 31-05-2015 16:06 recommendations 0

My heart goes to people of Nepal where terrible earthquake has shattered many lives .On 25th April, 2015 this massive earthquake had killed more than 9,000 people and injured more than twice and hundreds of thousands of people were made homeless with entire villages flattened. Many are struggling to survive without food, shelter or clean drinking water. The most affected are the poor communities who lost their homes. The international aid agencies are facing challenges in both getting assistance to Nepal and reaching remote areas.


?We Choose to Care? is the motto of our school and translate this into actions that make a difference that?s why I am proud to be a student of The Millennium School, Dubai. My school started a charity drive to help people of Nepal where the donations of any amount in cash were accepted. All of the school community including teachers got together to collect funds to help victims in the quake hit region.


Students came up with innovative voluntary campaigns to collect funds like ?Save Nepal Football League? where students contributed AED 50/- to participate .Click for Nepal? (selfie competition) campaign where students had to take selfies with the caption ?#Save Nepal? and contributed AED 20/- to participate. Points based on creativity were given by the panel of judges in selfie competition and the top 5 entries will be awarded and their entries will be displayed on the Annual Prize Day. I could say that the campaign was a huge hit

On 21st May, 2015 our school handed over a collected amount in a cheque of AED 96,285/- to the UAE Red Crescent who are actively involved in the relief operations in Nepal.


We are with the people of Nepal during this tough time and generosity shown by community will go a long way in helping those affected.


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  • says :
    I really thank you and your The Millennium School, Dubai for extending helping hands towards earthquake affected people in Nepal. Thank you for your humanitarian efforts. These needy people will bless you :)
    Posted 01-06-2015 18:01

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Good job, Mohit! Every little bit action count so much!!!
    Posted 01-06-2015 00:17

  • says :
    Thank you so much for such an initiative. :)
    Posted 31-05-2015 22:24

  • says :
    Innovative and engaging camapign
    thanks a lot
    Posted 31-05-2015 21:18

  • says :
    Thank you so much!
    Posted 31-05-2015 20:14

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Click for Nepal , Save Nepal Football campaigns are really innovative ones. Great initiative by school and thanks to all those who contributed and made it a success. This is evident from funds 96K AED raised thru this. Thanks for sharing ,Mohit.
    Posted 31-05-2015 19:37

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