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Waste Management, A Serious Problem in Liberian Markets

by | 29-06-2015 22:09 recommendations 0

In communities where appropriate sites are available, sanitary landfills usually provide the most economical option for disposal of non-recyclable refuse. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find sites that offer adequate capacity, accessibility, and environmental conditions. Nevertheless, landfills will always play a key role in solid-waste management. It is not possible to recycle all components of solid waste, and there will always be residues from incineration and other treatment processes that will eventually require disposal underground. In addition, landfills can actually improve poor-quality land. In some communities properly completed landfills are converted into recreational parks, playgrounds, or golf courses.

In Liberia, waste management is a serious impediment to the environmental welfare of every one. I took a stop at the Red-Light Market in the city of Paynesville and I couldn?t help but noticed how stubborn we humans especially Liberians towards the healthiness of our environment. We need our environment more than our environment needs us as well as also need nature more than nature needs us. When I our environment falters and stubble, so do we. Red-light Market is where we buy our food for God?s sake. If we buy food from the place in the pictures below, then you could imagine what kind of food we consume. We will as well get sick and fall ill. So this  is a #CALL_TO_ACTION for the prevention of environmental pollution. 

Photo Credit: NRRI Liberia

Another view of Red light Market waste disposalPlastic bags make up most of the DirtPartial view of Red Light Market

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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    I think that a lot of countries around the world still need to work out a lot to improve waste management. Thanks on sharing that mate. Keep it up! =)
    Posted 05-07-2015 07:16

  • says :
    Thank you for the vivid report Samuel, I agree with each single word of you wrote. It's matter of the awareness level of people. It takes quite long time for majority of people to get aware about the waste management problem and takes longer time to bring people for action. So let's be patient and be the change maker!
    Posted 03-07-2015 13:55

  • says :
    Indeed Samuel.
    We need to Act Fast and Think Green so that we curb the amount of waste going to the landfills.
    All the best and lets hope your voice is heard by authorities and some action is taken.
    Posted 02-07-2015 20:28

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    I totally agree with @Arushi. We must #CALL_TO_ACTION for the prevention of environmental pollution from the citizens as well as the government of Liberia. I guess you can send some letters to the local media as well as international ones so that both citizens and government can hear your voice through various channels. Once your voice gets public, the more and more people shall join your campaign to take care of this waste management problem. Keep going, Samuel! Tunza Eco-generation is on your side!
    Posted 02-07-2015 18:09

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well shred Samuel. This is grave indeed. The landfills must be reduced. Pls raise awareness at all levels.
    We wish you luck.
    Posted 01-07-2015 22:26

  • Arushi Madan says :
    It is practically very difficult to achieve ZERO WASTE TO LANDFILL( or 100% landfill diversion rate) , which means there will always be need for landfill. Ideally there should be sanitary landfills to reduce the (health and environment) harm from the collected waste.But since building and maintaining a sanitary landfill is a lot of work, these are not found everywhere.
    Pictures show a very pathetic state of landfills in Liberia and people buy food from such places-OMG , so risky for health. This should be sorted on top priority. At least the food market should be shifted to a neater place. Also this landfill should be properly managed. I just hope that local municipalities look into it soon and attend to the problem , before it gives birth to any epidemic.
    You should bring it to the attention of authorities , by writing to "letters to the editors" section of national newspapers.
    Thanks for sharing , Samuel.
    Posted 30-06-2015 02:06

  • Burton Dorley says :
    sure cuz we have major problems when it comes to waste management
    Posted 29-06-2015 22:26

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