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Your going vegetarian might help save water

by Dharmendra Kapri | 02-07-2015 10:59 recommendations 0

Researchers believe that eating less meat would protect water resources in dry areas around the world. Reducing the use of animal products can have a considerable impact on areas suffering scarce water resources, as meat production requires more water than other agricultural products, asserts the research findings published in Environmental Research Letters.

The researchers assessed the impact of diet change on global water resources over four scenarios, where the meat consumption was gradually reduced while diet recommendations in terms of energy supply, proteins and fat were followed.

The lead author Mika Jalava from Aalto University in Finland adds that by reducing the animal product contribution in the diet, global green water (rainwater) consumption decreases up to 21 percent while for blue
water (irrigation water) the reductions would be up to 14 percent. In other words, it is possible to secure adequate food supply for an additional 1.8 billion people without increasing the use of water resources by shifting to vegetarian diet.

According to the United Nations, global population is expected to exceed 9 billion by 2050, adding over 2 billion mouths to be fed to the current population. In this backdrop the researchers asserted that the diet change together with other actions, such as reduction of food losses and waste, may tackle the future challenges of food security.



  • India Former E-gen Ambassador Dharmendra Kapri
  • recommend


  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Hi Darmendra!! Thanks on sharing your point of view and information. If everyone in the planet could be vegetarian I think our planet could get heaps of benefits. I am still working to become a vegetariam. Hugs. =)
    Posted 05-07-2015 06:09

  • says :
    Oh really?? I never realised that!

    I'm trying my best to go Vegeterian.. and it's hard. Especially in my culture, we eat alot of meat and fish!

    But doesnt mean im going to stop trying
    Posted 04-07-2015 01:45

  • says :
    I agree with you, Dharmendra wholeheartedly. While vegetarianism can help in water conservation by leaps and bounds, there still seems to be one problem in this wonderful idea I wish to point out to everyone.
    In regions of desertic climate such as the countries in Saharan and Sub-Saharan Africa, scarcity of water is prevalent. Growth of crops is limited in such areas. Thus, meat is the only option of nutrition for the inhabitants there.
    We need a multifaceted solution that can solve all dimensions and aspects of the problem and at all levels of it. Thanks for the report:)
    Posted 03-07-2015 18:39

  • says :

    Check this link out.
    Glad to see so many vegetarian fellows 😁
    Posted 03-07-2015 18:31

  • says :
    Yes, if we see several statistics on resource consumption used for growing cows, we will be startled at the massive destruction of the environment and quantity of grain & energy. It's like depriving food from poor people and giving it to the meat producers. So, as Arushi mentioned, going vegetarian is not only for our health but for our ethical life.
    Posted 03-07-2015 11:34

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I am vegetarian by birth and in fact my family , grandparents of both sides –we all have been vegetarian for ages.I am proud of this fact as I know vegetarianism is not only good for health but also for environment , economic and world hunger concerns . It proves our compassion for animals. But today most of the people are non –veg and it may be difficult for them to even dream their food without meat. For such people , I would advise to start going veg initially one (veg)meal a day , gradually taking 2 veg meals and only 1 non-veg meal a day and then shifting veg to 2-3 days/week and so on , It??s a matter of getting used to .
    Thanks for sharing an important message through this report.
    Posted 02-07-2015 16:27

  • says :
    I truly agree with what Rahul brother said, going vegetarian has multiple benefits for individual as well as environment which is scientifically proven.
    I feel proud to say that I am a vegetarian since last 13 years :)
    Thank you for sharing the report dear Dharmendra :)
    Posted 02-07-2015 13:15

  • says :

    Going vegetarian is quite economic as well. We come to bottom of the trophic level.
    A rise in trophic level reduces energy to 10%.
    For the production of meat, first we have to produce their food and feed them. But if we go vegetarian, we produce our own food directly.
    at least we can go vegetarian once or thrice in a week. if meat products are our daily part if life than we can reduce their amount

    Saying this, I am happy to see our Nepali and Indian culture promoting veg diet :)

    Posted 02-07-2015 12:34

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