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World Population to 7 Billion

by | 14-07-2015 20:18 recommendations 0

11th July 2015 was celebrated as the world population day.

We are now sharing our planet with more than 7 billion humans. Within many of our lifetimes, that number could surpass 10 billion. But we must always remember that grappling with the issue of global population is about much more than the numbers—it?s about the needs of the people behind those statistics.  A world of 7 billion is both a challenge and an opportunity with implications on sustainability, urbanization, access to food, basic necessities, health care etc. Every year about 135 million people are born and 55 million people die, adding 80 million to our global population.

It was in 1989, the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme recommended that 11 July will be observed as World Population Day, a day to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues. The theme for 2015 World Population Day is Vulnerable Populations in Emergencies. The world is seeing a record number of people displaced by crises. According to reports its some 60 million.

Over population is the root cause for most of the social, economical and environmental problems.

It leads to:-

Degradation of Environment-Natural resources are exploited at an alarming rate to meet the demands of the growing population. This has led to an increase in carbon footprints and rise in global temperature. Sea level has risen due to the melting of polar ice caps and if not taken care, we all will be under water one day.

High Cost of living: Due to the increased population, there is a great demand for the limited resources. The price of goods is increasing. Remember population grows at a geometric rate where as food and agricultural products grows at arithmetic rate. As a result it?s shocking to know that 1 billion people do not have enough food and safe drinking water.

Better education, family planning, awareness, job opportunities for women etc can help us overcome this problem.

Verily, we can?t solve a problem on the same level it was created, we have to rise above it to the next level. With more efforts from the government and leaders, we can overcome this global challenge one day. But yes it requires the active participation of one and all!!


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  • says :
    Very informative, thanks for sharing
    Posted 16-08-2015 21:21

Eco Generation

  • says :
    Dear Afra, thank you for drawing our attention towards upsurging population, a challenge and opportunity for our generation. No doubt increased population is the root cause for many forms of social evils and environmental degradation. Better understanding, awareness and policy measures can be of major importance in controlling population growth.
    Just few day ago I taught this topic for school students too :)
    Thank you for sharing this insightful report dear :)
    Keep sharing :)
    Posted 15-07-2015 19:31

  • says :
    Thanks for reminding me of the World Population Day Afra :) We are at the most risky moment of human history. We need 3 earths compare to the Earth's capacity and human needs. I feel sorry mostly for new born babies. They may not be able to enjoy the beauty of unpolluted environment if we deteriorate this planet with this fast.
    Posted 15-07-2015 17:58

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for highlighting a very improtant and a grave concern, Afra. Global Population is exploding and taking a tall on resources , environment ,health , crime rate and almost everything is being hit badly by it . It's vital that everyone , literally , everyone , thinks of it seriously and takes measures to control it .
    You rightly indicated that better education, family planning, awareness, job opportunities for women etc can help us overcome this problem. Also there should be incentives and laws put in place like there are in China.
    Posted 15-07-2015 07:08

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Indeed, I believe that the solution for this is sexual education among families. Thanks for sharing mate!! Keep it up!
    Posted 14-07-2015 22:59

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