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Bushmeat Trade Is Transforming Rain Forest

by Dharmendra Kapri | 21-08-2015 06:21 recommendations 0

In the Democratic Republic of Congo in Central Africa, huge numbers of people living there have been forced to relocate because of a civil war.! Some 375,000 of them are thought to have taken shelter within the rainforest of the country?s Virunga National Park, home to more than half of the world?s remaining population of mountain gorillas.

All of these people need wood every day to burn on their cooking fires, to build their houses and to make tools.! The trees they cut down are making the area of pristine forest in the Park smaller and smaller.! Aid agencies and the United Nations purchase wood to supply these people with what they need, so that they do not have to cut down more of the forest, but this cannot be a long-term solution.! Instead, people are being trained to look after the protected areas and being given a stake in looking after these very special habitats for the future.

Who's for dinner?!

With so many very poor people living in the DRC?s rainforest, it?s not surprising that some turn to poaching to feed themselves.! But some of the most spectacular and most endangered large mammals on the planet, including gorillas and forest elephants are on the menu and could soon be wiped out.! It?s tragic to think that these amazing creatures are being eaten as 'bush meat', but it?s also tragic to think that people are so poor and so hungry that  they have to set out to kill such beautiful creatures to survive. In a very poor country, where sources of meat like cattle and chickens are not plentiful and are expensive, it actually makes sense for hunters to venture deep into the jungle to hunt and kill gorillas for their meat. !A hand-sized piece of pre-cut and smoked gorilla meat costs about US$6.! You can even buy gorilla hands for about US$6 each, too!!

 Education for Conservation
(does that sound familiar?)

Conservation charities and aid agencies are
now working with forest communities to
show them how valuable their forests could 
be as tourist areas.! They are also working  
to train more people to work on preserving  
protected areas.! In many areas, bans on
bushmeat trading are now in force.



  • India Former E-gen Ambassador Dharmendra Kapri
  • recommend


  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Animal hunting is a crime and we need to take action to stop it!!! Government need to support as well!!!
    Posted 22-08-2015 10:33

  • Arushi Madan says :
    It is indeed sad to read that amazing creatures like gorilla are being killed to kill one's hunger. I just hope conservation charities and aid agencies train people & make them aware of importance of forest preservation .Most important , I hope they come up with a sustainable solution to feed these people living in rainforests.
    Posted 22-08-2015 03:46

  • says :
    This Is Sad , the official or the government should help these people to provide them households and food . So that these homeless people do not tend to kill these endangered animals ,
    Posted 21-08-2015 19:35

  • says :
    Hunting innocent animals is not at all a good practice. Illegal hunting should be stop. Thanks for the vivid report on Bushmeat Trade.
    Posted 21-08-2015 14:10

  • says :
    Yeah it is tragic to see people killing beautiful endangered creatures like gorilla for their survival . I am hopeful that the conservation charities and aid agencies be successful in transforming their lives by inculcating the concept of eco- tourism. Hopefully more and more of such vulnerable people be trained on the importance and preservation of rainforests and the its biodiversity.
    Thank you for sharing the status of Bushmeat Trade!
    Posted 21-08-2015 11:53

  • says :
    Liked the article.
    Posted 21-08-2015 10:14

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