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Respect the people to protect the rainforest

by Dharmendra Kapri | 21-08-2015 06:52 recommendations 0

The people who live in the rainforest have to be involved in every step of every possible solution - from coming up with  the ideas to working out ways of implementing them. !

The small-scale agriculture that the forests? farmers tend to practice involves crop rotation (planting different crops each year to allow the soil time to recover).! Their methods actually help the forest to grow and do no lasting damage.! More schemes for sustainable farming, especially if backed by small starter grants would encourage small farmers? entrepreneurship and encourage them to manage their forest sustainably.

It is also important that the forest peoples have their land rights recognised.! They depend on the forest not just for food, but for shelter, medicine and for their income.! They can  sometimes be thrown off their land by companies or governments who don?t recognise that the people even exist, let alone have rights to the land. If their lands were recognised as theirs by law, it would give them even stronger reasons for making sure that those lands are protected.! !



  • India Former E-gen Ambassador Dharmendra Kapri
  • recommend


  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Wow, these people are awesome. Thanks for sharing it mate!!! =)
    Posted 22-08-2015 10:26

  • Arushi Madan says :
    I agree with your point that if they get right to the land then they will be more concerned , responsible and whole-heartedly work to protect those lands in rainforest.
    Posted 22-08-2015 04:25

  • says :
    These people should be honoured in the best possible way . Because not everyone cares about protecting the environment and forests . Kudos to these people.
    Posted 21-08-2015 19:58

  • says :
    I do agree with you point. Thanks for the report.
    Posted 21-08-2015 13:47

  • says :
    Dear Dharmendra, I double agree that if the people in rain forests are assured on their right to land then they would be more concerned and dedicated towards the protection of their land.
    It is one of the best way to ensure sustainable development of rain forests.
    Thank you for sharing a series of reports on rainforests dear Dharmendra :)
    Posted 21-08-2015 11:33

  • says :
    Posted 21-08-2015 11:13

  • says :
    great information. Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 21-08-2015 10:07

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