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Open Defecation- a threat to environment and health

by | 22-08-2015 00:24 recommendations 0

It is only natural to listen to natural calls. In under -developed nations , when one feels like answering the calls of nature, one must not look inward the house, rather one must look without the house  to relieve oneself. It is because in under-developed nations( even though they might like to call themselves Developing nations) people would rather erect one more rule, or invest in something else than erecting a toilet. It's a common scene, especially in the outskirts of an urban area(sometimes coinciding with slums) that we find pathways and roads littered with human waste. It doesn't only make the environment very unpleasant and dirty, it also sets free malignant virus and bacteria which cause so many diseases, some of them being even fatal to the people, especially children living around that area. Moreover, it is carried to faraway places through the tyres  of the vehicles and even the human feet. We must remember that Polio virus is spread through human waste released in open spaces. children fall victim to these viruses and suffer for the whole life.

It is not only the human waste that we have to take care of. In a country like India where animal husbandry is a big thing, even animal waste needs to be managed while we have not found any serious problems with cow dung( which in fact are used to make compost), the wastes of pigs are a notorious source of many forms of human sickness. Pig- wastes , mingled with mud and water spread in a large geographical area, cause serious threat to human hygiene. Here we cannot forget about the wastes created by the stray dogs (which are in a large number in India).

In short, waste created by living beings like humans and animals need a lot of management to keep the environment safe for both the humans and the animals. 

animal wasteWomen going to toilet

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  • says :
    Open defecation in a huge problem that needs to be addressed.Awareness should be created among people that it is harmful to human health as well as the environment.Even animal waste is equally harmful.So there is a need of public toilets.Thanks for sharing!
    Posted 22-08-2015 12:13

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    That is very dangerous for children, yuth and adults and seniors. =( I hope that soon the situation will change. We should keep working and be active always!! =)
    Posted 22-08-2015 09:41

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Enough Toilets need to be made. Awareness should be spread among people that Open Defecation is not only bad for human and animals health but also for environment and beauty of the place and it also shows the state of development of a place.
    Posted 22-08-2015 06:13

  • says :
    Yeah Yagya, excretory productions of human beings and other animals should be well managed and disposed as it will have higher chance to lodge pathogenic organisms.
    In underdeveloped countries like ours, we still find people defecating in open areas which indicates threat to the environment and their health too.
    Thus first of all we should awake logical thinking among people and stimulate them towards clean and sustainable development.
    Keep sharing the relevant issues like this dear Yagya :)
    Posted 22-08-2015 02:49

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