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I Vote for Renewable Energy Resources

by Bam Azores | 22-08-2015 20:19 recommendations 0

I am quite familiar with renewable energy resources because of my research and because of the renewable energy resource company of my cousin called Constellation Energy Corporation. So far, they do hydro and wind power.  Then, I also have another cousin who is doing solar power.


But I decided to write about this after reading an article about two companies partnering to do a solar plant in Negros Occidental in the Visayas islands of the Philippines.  Aboitiz Power Corporation and Sun Edison Philippines will develop a 3.5 billion, 59 megawatt solar power project.  This is a good way of producing energy as opposed to using fossil fuels and coal.


The Philippines is actually 35% dependent on coal power now and according to a news item I read, the Undersecretary of the Department of Energy even said that if we go in the way we are now, we will be 70% dependent on coal by 2030-2050.  This is sad because while the world is going against use of coal energy, the Philippines is approving more coal plants.  As we already know, coal and fossil fuels are among the largest emitters of carbon that leads to global warming. 


There are also better reasons for going renewable over coal.  For one, it takes about four years to build a coal plant, while only 7 months to build an equivalent solar plant. There is also much water and wind resources all around the country that can be tapped for energy.  Coal and fossil fuels contribute in a major way to our air pollution.  Wind and solar energy are pure and clean energy.


So, which way should we go? My vote:  Renewable Energy Sources!!



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Renewable Solar

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  • Dormant user Bam Azores
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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    #RenewableEnergy!!! =D Thanks for sharing the news mate! =)
    Posted 23-08-2015 13:14

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Definitely , renewable source of energy is far better , cleaner and more advantageous.
    So My vote too goes for " Renewable Energy Sources"
    Posted 23-08-2015 04:53

  • says :
    Renewable energy is a very good alternative.This way we can reduce the burden on our planet.Wind energy,solar energy,etc are cleaner sources of energy and their use should be promoted.My vote too goes to RENEWABLE ENERGY! Thanks for sharing.
    Posted 23-08-2015 01:55

  • says :
    yes we should
    Posted 22-08-2015 23:56

  • says :
    Million votes..
    Posted 22-08-2015 20:39

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