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TEMA with Projects

by | 23-08-2015 00:30 recommendations 0

               In my last article, I have talked about a foundation called TEMA that wishes to primarily do afforestation. However, I think it is imperative that I talk a little bit more about the current projects that it is doing concerning informing or supporting kids and teenagers at our age for all of you in this Eco-Generation platform to have a better understanding of what TEMA is doing in Turkey. So this article will be about some specific projects that TEMA is doing or has done in the near past.


               One thing I should probably mention is that TEMA has different programs for children at different age. For example it has four different kinds of programs (Tiny TEMA, Little TEMA, Primary School TEMA, and High School TEMA) to educate children from kindergarten to high school. What each of these programs do at first is to raise the awareness of children by visiting schools and giving seminars on the current environmental issues of Turkey. These programs are actually like sub foundations of TEMA. Depending on the age of the people, these sub foundations organize little events from painting and walks in the nature to publishing newspaper. It is estimated that in total there are In other words it can be said that these sub foundations do little but important contributions to the conserving of nature by informing children.


               Now on to the real reason why I have written this article: projects. According to my research, TEMA supports many projects done by the youth. When I say "youth", I mean people who are going to the university or high school. TEMA does this support through a program called Youth TEMA which was established in 2013. Since then 3150 youths joined this program, 53 projects has been completed and through this projects it is estimated that youths reached 16,000 people. I congratulate TEMA for doing so much in so little time. These projects that we are talking about are not nationwide projects like the Oak Project that I have mentioned in my last article, but local projects. For example, one recent project done by university students in Istanbul was that in order to draw the attention of people to the loss of biological diversity in Istanbul, the students made short films about problems a concerning migrating birds, urbanization and the Bosporus. Later, they shared these films at the social media especially tweeter with #EskidenBuralar, meaning #ThesePlacesUsedtoBe. These students reached 5,000 people through this event. I think this project is a very simple yet an effective one at the same time. Another project is one that was done by the students of Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey University Youth TEMA Organization located in Konya which is at the central Turkey. The project was about a coal mine and a thermal power station that will be built just near the wheat fields. By the way, Konya has the biggest fields in Turkey meaning damaging those fields would mean damaging most of Turkey's wheat. In order to explain this to the authorities the university had an exhibition themed "Coal Mining and Thermal Station". Although the number of participants were low, the fact that such an effort to raise public awareness was done is a big success.

                Consequently, TEMA is informing kids from kindergarten to high school and supporting projects of students while also doing some projects of their own. I must say that after learning these projects and many other ones, my appreciation and respect to the foundation of TEMA has increased. I am truly happy as an ambassador to have such project that I can present you with and I have TEMA to thank for. Anyway, I hope this article of mine was able to give you more information about what TEMA is and does. 

Primary School TEMA#EskidenBuras©¥

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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Wonderful job TEMA!!! Great example of a dedicate group that work out for environment. thanks for sahring mate!! =)
    Posted 23-08-2015 13:05

  • says :
    appreciative act TEMA!!i tooo believe childrens are the one who can design a perfectly sustained environment if trained frm their early stage..best wishes !! :)
    Posted 23-08-2015 08:32

  • Arushi Madan says :
    WOW, TEMA is doing much more than mere promoting afforestation. They are inculcating environmental values in young minds. Thanks for sharing , Utku.
    Posted 23-08-2015 04:59

  • says :
    I would like to appreciate TEMA's efforts in creating awareness among students about the need to conserve the environment.Keep going! Thanks for the report.
    Posted 23-08-2015 02:03

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