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How to deal with adolescence!

by | 23-08-2015 19:21 recommendations 0

Childhood ranges up to the age of five. Normally a male baby after six years of age is called a boy and a female baby is called a girl. Generally we count boyhood from the age of six to ten. After ten years a girl is called a teenage girl and a boy is called a teenage boy. This period of human beings is called adolescence. The period of adolescence ranges from ten to nineteen years. From this period the course of changing starts from boy to man and from girl to woman. Normally the change of a girl starts earlier than a boy. The adolescence among girls starts from the age of eight to thirteen years and among boys from ten to fifteen. Sometimes this change happens earlier or later. Adolescence is the middle period of childhood and youth.

To Keep Proper Physical Health:

Beard and moustache grow and ejaculation happens occasionally in sleep to boys in adolescence period. This is also called the night pollution. This is not a matter of fear or shyness. This is a normal change in body. Normally the sperms start to be produced at the age of 13 to 19. Sometimes this sperm comes out of the body in sleep. Production of
sperms is a natural and continuous process. Bathing is necessary after ejaculation. In this time nutritious food, especially vegetables and water, should be taken. If any physical or mental problem happens in this period, it should be consulted with the parents or intimate relatives. In further complexity a doctor should be consulted. Sometimes, itching around sex organ or scars in thigh joints may occur. Cleanliness is important to be safe from this problem. If it is not cured within few days, a doctor should be consulted.
Like boys changes also take place in the girls. Menstruation is an important change for girls in this period. Normally at the age of 9-13 menstruation starts. It is a normal process for the girls and continues for 3-5 days. This duration can be longer or shorter. Girls should keep clean, take regular bath, eat nutritious food and should drink sufficient water. Girls should take sufficient rest in this period. As blood is lost during menstruation, they should take lots of fish, meat, vegetables and fruits for recovering the loss. Abdominal pain may occur during menstruation. In that case fomentation with hot water can be comfortable. Headache and lumbago can happen. Seeing all these symptoms girls should not be afraid. If the pain is severe a doctor should be consulted. A clean and dry piece of cloth can be used as absorbent. Germ-free cotton or pad is
better. If the cloth is needed to be reused then it should be washed with soap and hot water and then dried in the sun. This cloth should not be kept in a dark or humid place.
To keep proper mental health:
During adolescence many a girl wants to remain alone. Many can behave abnormally. Emotional changes also happen with mental or physical change. The other family members should behave in a friendly and sympathetic manner keeping in their mind that mental changes happen in adolescence. At this stage the girls and boys should be provided with psychological support and encouragement. It will help them grow as a healthy man or woman and build up a better future. The boys and girls themselves should be careful to keep their proper mental health. Their first duty is to adjust themselves with mental and physical changes. They have to understand clearly that these changes are very normal. So their uneasy feelings and fear
should be discarded. Secondly, they have to discuss the matter openly with their parents and elders so that they can be free from fear and shyness. In this way their tendency to stay alone and the feeling of shyness will decrease. Mental cheerfulness can be maintained by reading story books or by playing with the friends.
Necessary mental help and counseling should be provided to the adolescents so that they
grow healthily and can build a better future.
Information courtesy: Health journals, wikipedia, health books.
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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks a lot for the report tapashi! I work out with adolescents and all information you provided is very cool. Cheers. Keep it up! =D
    Posted 24-08-2015 10:57

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