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Government and Nature

by | 24-08-2015 02:00 recommendations 0

               I realized something about the articles of mine. While I am talking about the things that are being done in Turkey in order to protect and restore the nature and the natural life, I have often mentioned the things done by individuals or private organizations and foundations and less about what the government is doing. I believe the government?s participation in environmental projects is just as important as the participation of individuals. As such, I will be explaining two environmental projects that the government organized on their own.


               One of the two is a project widely known all around the world. It is called ?Smart Bicycle?. A branch of Ministry of Transportation, İŞPARK, started this project at first in 2009 in Istanbul by putting a couple of bicycles that could easily be rented by putting the money inside a slot near the bicycle in the middle of the city. The government aims to, of course, encourage the citizens to ride bicycles more often while making a little profit out of this project. At the beginning, there was not many ?Smart Bicycle? station since the government assumed that the public would not be so much interested in these bicycles. However, they were proven wrong by the intense use of such bicycle. Astonished by the results, the government expanded their resources and today you can find lots of ?Smart Bicycle? stations in crowded cities like Istanbul and Izmir while a few in other cities. Now, I am aware of the fact that this project is not a new one, however, it has been recently put into motion by our government. Regardless of the timing, I can say that the number citizens riding bicycles in Istanbul has increased and you can hardly find Smart Bicycles to rent in Istanbul, because the demand for it only keeps getting higher. I guess the government should yet again expand its resources.


               Secondly, the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs in co-operation with the Directorate of Nature Protection and National Parks introduced a new project that aims to increase the youth?s awareness on nature and environmental issues in 14th May, 2015 in Burdur. The details of the project were not given during the press conference, however, it is believed that this project will involve a series of seminars throughout Turkey. Also, these organs of the government will seek European Union?s on both economically and getting advisors to help them organize this project without a problem.


                 In conclusion, the government of Turkey is doing projects that aims to raise public awareness and encourage using green transportation. Unfortunately, their efforts are not as big as the efforts of other organizations such as TEMA and Let?s Do It Turkey. 


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  • says :
    Great Article .Certainly these projects would help to protect the environment alot in the long run . The first would reduce the amount of carbon footprints and the second would aware the young generation to protect the environment in any possible way.
    Posted 24-08-2015 23:19

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Great news mate!!! Thanks again for sharing. =D
    Posted 24-08-2015 11:33

  • Arushi Madan says :
    It's good to know that Turkey govt is not sitting quiet on environmental issues , it is doing something though it needs to do lot more . Thanks for sharing , Utku.
    Posted 24-08-2015 03:59

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