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Growing need for Eco-Friendly Energy solutions in the UAE

by | 24-08-2015 17:34 recommendations 0

In 2013, it was revealed that every UAE resident consumes 8,271 kilograms of oil equivalent energy (kgoe) per annum. To put this in perspective, the per capita energy consumption in the United Kingdom and the United States was 3,254 kgoe and 7,164 kgoe respectively.

Even though oil-producing countries tend to have higher consumption levels anyway, these statistics still highlight the need for the UAE to become more eco-friendly when it comes to using natural resources.

Thankfully, there are targets in place to protect the country's resources and reduce fossil fuel usage. But with the growth of Dubai continues, will these initiatives be enough? Should the UAE be looking at bigger and better sustainable sources of energy for future generations to come?

The UAE's energy consumption in comparison to the rest of the world

Two years ago, the Centre for Strategic and International Studies released a report stating that global energy use would grow by 56 percent between 2010 and 2040. On top of that, fossil fuel would continue to supply nearly 80 percent of world energy use through 2040.

Up until now, the UAE and neighbouring countries have been the biggest culprits of escalating growth. 

This is the highest of any global region and much more than the average of 39 percent. But in response to figures like these, the UAE has responded appropriately.

Energy consumption targets and fossil fuel reductions

In order to protect our fossil fuel resources, we need to ensure that we are as efficient as possible in what we consume,? he revealed. ?We have seen important steps in this direction, especially here in Dubai with a target of 30 percent demand reduction by 2030.

This is obviously a step in the right direction, but it still remains difficult to predict just how big cities like Dubai could yet become. If they continue on the same growth path as the previous 20 years, more flexible and sustainable power generation solutions will be required.

Answering the UAE's eco-friendly energy requirements

In order to meet possible power requirements with sustainability in mind, the UAE can look at successful examples elsewhere. At this year's Mardi Gras celebrations in San Diego, power generation company Aggreko supplied the event with an alternative fuel supply in the form of cooking oil.

Together with its temperature control solutions, which provide oil-free air conditioning to industrial spaces or construction sites, the UAE could hugely benefit from the services of a company like Aggreko.

So, even if UAE residents are consuming a lot of energy, which has come from fossil fuels and natural resources, there are ongoing initiatives and existing examples to help cities like Dubai become greener and more sustainable.

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Growing need for Eco-Friendly Energy solutions in the UAE

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  • says :
    I agree with you @Arushi and @Bindhu, the government has well played their part.
    Its now up to the citizens to take to eco friendly practices to curb the present consumption rates.
    Posted 25-08-2015 01:00

  • says :
    I agree with you dear Humaid and also I double agree with dear Arushi sister. UAE may be in the top ranking for energy consumption and carbon footprints, fossil fuel use etc. but we can't ignore the fact of UAE adopting green/eco- friendly strategies and promoting Green Living Style. Hopefully they continue to achieve their sustainable development goals.
    Thank you for keeping your views with related data dear Humaid :)
    Posted 25-08-2015 00:49

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Yes , Humaid , agree with you although UAE is one of the countries with high carbon footprint , consuming high energy and water but authorities and govt are not ignoring it . They are putting efforts in all directions , building sustainable infrastructure like Green malls , Green cities like Masdar ,promoting electric or hybrid cars , promoting the use of public transport by strategies including hiking petrol prices and much more. We all need to co-operate with them by using the green infrastructure they are building , by using public transport more and more , by doing everything which contributes to reduction in carbon footprint. Thanks for sharing .
    Posted 24-08-2015 18:37

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