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|BRAZIL| Amazonian Highway

by Luiz Bispo | 27-08-2015 04:37 recommendations 0

The roads are important in human's life. People can commute between home and working places and trade products to other areas. If there is no exist of roads, it is difficult to live doing various things. Even in the Amazon rain forest, the one of the first region's road was constructed in the 1970's, which is called Trans- Amazonian Highway.


This road was constructed to connect the Amazon to Brazil's emerging farming and cattle breeding economy.  These routes are stretched about 4,000km from Joao Pessoa to the village of Labrea in Amazonas state. The highway has influenced on resident's life as well as business in that areas.


First of all, one of the big business in Brazil is cattle ranching. Cattle drives take a month to finish using highway. The cowboys who take livestock camped along the roads for arrangements. Also, logs are also delivered in this road. However, paved highway sometimes could be useful to illegal logging.


Not only business, but also residents near areas are influenced by this highway. People living far from cities make self-built cars, which is made of wood, in order to use them to maintain their ride at highway.


It is true that the road provide convenience in terms of transporting goods easily and cheaply. However, it will bring more people and industry, leading deforestation as well as pollution. Many native people in the region will be displaced as well. I can see the great development for people at the same time unavoidable damage of environment.


Source :  BBC


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  • Dormant user Luiz Bispo
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  • Luiz Bispo says :
    That is right Arushi. Thanks for the great addition! =)
    Posted 27-08-2015 22:44

  • Arushi Madan says :
    It is true roads are necessity many a times as they are a resource/platform for commuting but their construction when & where it is not needed, causes environmental damage and Habitat fragmentation as roads can act as barriers or filters to animal movement. Unnecessary Roads if constructed through/along the forests may also facilitate poaching of flora and fauna. Municipalities or concerned authorities should do feasibility and sustainability study before deciding to construct road anywhere.Thanks for sharing , Luiz.
    Posted 27-08-2015 18:48

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Harmanjot, indeed the construction organizers must be more aware about the negative impacts to environment. Thanks for the comment! =)
    Posted 27-08-2015 12:03

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Anthony! You did great addition. Thanks so much for that. =)
    Posted 27-08-2015 12:02

  • says :
    Roads do provide a link for trasportation but their construction causes damage to the environment.Roads displace biodiversity.As mentioned in the report,illegal logging can also take place.Hence,their construction should be limited.Thanks for the report.
    Posted 27-08-2015 11:33

  • Anthony Emecheta says :
    You are right Luiz. Inasmuch as we all want the pleasures of good roads, we should also understand the cost to the environment. My advice is that roads should not be constructed for construction or beautification sake. It should only be constructed where they are inevitably important. Also a strict law should be in place to avoid people invading the nearby forest for timber.
    Posted 27-08-2015 09:16

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