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Final Hurrah...

by | 02-09-2015 05:00 recommendations 0

This is it for me. It's been quite a long time, but it seems like it was just yesterday that I started my journey as a TUNZA Eco-Generation Ambassador. And it has been a great journey.

This platform has become an important part of my life. It has given me an opportunity to inform other young people, at a global scale, about my country. About the environmental challenges we face, about the solutions we have come up with, about what practices others may adopt from us. And more than that, it has given me an opportunity to learn.

Through this space, I have seen young people, some much younger than I am, stand up against corporates to tell them that the environment is bigger than their profits.
I have seen youth go out of their way to teach children and the less privileged about conservation.
I have learnt that there are so many other ways to protect our environment than the mainstream.
And most importantly, I have learnt that there is a strong generation of environmental activists out there fighting for the protection and restoration of our environment with me. That the fight is not lost and there is hope for our planet.

My wish for all the incoming and extending ambassadors, is that this platform becomes of as much benefit to you all as it has been to me. That you create amazing friends here whose support in the conservation fight you can rely on, and that you never give up on the fight. Perhaps I shall join again once I am done with my final year of school, who knows? :)

I also want to appreciate TUNZA and Eco-Generation for this platform and this opportunity. It has been an amazing time and i am grateful for the fact that I shall still be able to learn from this page, even though my term is done. 

Thank you and all the best!!!! :D :D :D

:) :) :)

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  • says :
    Yes, Aness. I share the same feeling. It seems as if it were just yesterday that I was appointed ambassador to UAE. It is also a very reassuring feeling that many regions at the same time are moving towards a better tomorrow, towards The Future We Want. We will all miss you. Good luck on your future endeavors:)
    Posted 04-09-2015 21:13

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for all your reports so far Aness!! Good luck for your future endeavours! =D
    Posted 04-09-2015 12:25

  • says :
    All of us are grateful to Tunza Eco Generation for providing us such a wonderful platform.
    All the best for your future,Aness.
    Posted 02-09-2015 19:08

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Learning never stops, Aness. We all learn from each other all the time.

    All the best. Keep in touch.
    Posted 02-09-2015 13:17

  • Arushi Madan says :
    We all love this amazing Tunza Eco Gen platform and have benefitted a lot from it. We will miss you as much as you would miss us . All the best for your future endeavours.
    Posted 02-09-2015 11:27

  • says :
    yeah!!i too feel the same...its a best platform to get connected with similar minds from around the globe and step together so as to have a sustainable future :) wish u too all the best :)
    Posted 02-09-2015 08:00

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