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I know many of you will disagree

by | 06-09-2015 22:32 recommendations 0

Coal just sucks. The only good thing about it is that you can build coal plants fast and cheap. Then they start killing people and destroying the environment, and the costs start adding up. Practically anything is cleaner and cheaper than coal in the long run.

Nuclear is a vastly superior power technology. Engineers solved the energy crisis a long time ago, and now it's time for politicians to catch up. All of the common complaints and fears are either already solved by modern technology, or are based on outright misconceptions. I'm not saying nuclear power is perfect nothing is but it's worlds better than the alternatives. The challenges inherent in expanding nuclear power are surmountable and require no new technology. 

It's an objective fact that we could save millions of lives and improve the quality of life for countless others by phasing out coal power and replacing it with nuclear energy.

That's before you even start worrying about climate change! This is a crisis where science simply has to triumph over ignorance, it just has to. We're literally killing ourselves here, and the solution was invented decades ago. I think educating the public to stop fearing nuclear power is truly a moral imperative for our generation.


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  • says :
    Yes Harmanjot coal needs to be replaced
    Posted 10-09-2015 09:23

  • says :
    Coal indeed harms the environment is a huge way.Even nuclear energy has its disadvantages,but lets hope that in near future,it will be much more safe than it is today.
    Thanks for the report.
    Posted 10-09-2015 03:40

  • says :
    See guys every invention has its pros and cons but we have never stopped useing that invention further nuclear energy has future with strict laws and better technology we can bring a change
    Posted 07-09-2015 21:05

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Sakshi, it's a double edged sword I'll comment. You have to use it wisely for mankind. The Nuclear power has it's pros & cons. Look at the Japan disaster. Who's to blame?
    But, we can't stall the progress hiding behind calamities. Japan has built better reactors this time & they are much safer.
    UAE is switching to nuclear in next few years.
    There are more sustainable energy forms like Natural Gas, Hydro-Power, Wind Turbines.
    But I double agree with shunning the coal usage.
    Posted 07-09-2015 19:24

  • Jayson Villeza says :
    I know I have to disagree but I'll agree nonetheless because Nuclear Energy can be used effectively if researched effectively. The radioactive waste must be put to good use someday. :)
    Posted 07-09-2015 15:23

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Nuclear energy is a effective way to decrease damages to the Earth just if managed propoerly. Otherwise, it can be the most power human gun against the planet. Thanks for the report mate. Keep it up. =D
    Posted 07-09-2015 11:03

  • says :
    Nuclear power has the future guys
    Posted 07-09-2015 09:27

  • Arushi Madan says :
    To quite an extent , I agree with you Sakshi. Nuclear power is a renewable energy and has tremendous potential in useful way and harmful way. The destructive potential of atomic/nuclear energy is known to all (past wars). But then everything has it's pros and cons. Science itself is a blessing as well as curse.Everything in the universe has its uses and abuses. If nations use nuclear energy only for peaceful purposes to generate power or to meet energy demands then it is the best alternative to fossil fuels.
    Posted 07-09-2015 05:24

  • says :
    Could be better if we focus on SOLAR ENERGY AND its conversion to liquid fuel .. that's what is being going through innovative minds of scientists these days.. anyway thanks for sharing (Y)
    Posted 07-09-2015 02:18

  • says :
    Dear Sakshi, I double agree with you, any other energy can be sustianble over coal in long run. Though there is a fear of nuclear energy, probabilities for misuse and all despite that it can be one of the best option in fighting climate change.
    Thank you for sharing your views dear Sakshi :)
    Posted 07-09-2015 01:15

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