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as many of you wanted detail information regarding chipko andolon

by | 08-09-2015 00:11 recommendations 0

"Maatu hamru, paani hamru, hamra hi chhan yi baun bhi... Pitron na lagai baun, hamunahi ta bachon bhi"
Soil ours, water ours, ours are these forests. Our forefathers raised them, it?s we who must protect them.
 Old Chipko Song
The Chipko movement or Chipko Andolan is a movement that practiced the Gandhian methods of satyagraha and non-violent resistance, through the act of hugging trees to protect them from being felled. This was first initiated by Amrita Devi while protesting against a King's men to cut the tree. The modern Chipko movement started in the early 1970s in the Garhwal Himalayas of Uttarakhand, then in Uttar Pradesh with growing awareness of rapid deforestation. The landmark event in this struggle took place on March 26, 1974, when a group of peasant women in Reni village, Hemwalghati, in Chamoli district, Uttarakhand, India, acted to prevent the cutting of trees and reclaim their traditional forest rights, which were threatened by the contractors assigned by the state Forest Department. Their actions inspired hundreds of such actions at the grassroots level throughout the region. By the 1980s the movement had spread throughout India and led to the formulation of people-sensitive forest policies, which put a stop to the open felling of trees in regions as far as the Vindhyas and the Western Ghats. Today, it is seen as an inspiration and a precursor for Chipko movement of Garhwal. Its leader wasSunderlal Bahuguna.

The Chipko movement, though primarily a livelihood protection movement rather than a forest conservation movement, went on to become a rallying point for many future environmentalists, environmental protests and movements all over the world and created a precedent for non-violent protest. It occurred at a time when there was hardly any environmental movement in the developing world, and its success meant that the world immediately took notice of this non-violent movement, which was to inspire in time many such eco-groups by helping to slow down the rapid deforestation, expose vested interests, increase ecological awareness, and demonstrate the viability of people power. Above all, it stirred up the existing civil society in India, which began to address the issues of tribal and marginalized people.

Source - Wikipedia


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  • says :
    That's my job all your suggestions are welcome and I promise to work on them
    Posted 09-09-2015 11:46

Eco Generation

  • Eco Generation says :
    Thanks for following up!!! :D
    Posted 09-09-2015 10:07

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for explain to us about Chipto Andolan Sakshi! =) Keep it up.
    Posted 09-09-2015 02:52

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for interesting details on'Chipko Andolan'.
    Posted 08-09-2015 18:17

  • says :
    Thankyou for the advice
    Posted 08-09-2015 08:59

  • says :
    Great to read about your activities in India. I think you should have used upper case for your title. Keep up the great work
    Posted 08-09-2015 07:24

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