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Air Pollution: A North American Perspective

by | 08-09-2015 05:57 recommendations 0

Hello Friends,

This is my first article of my fifth term as an Eco Generation Ambassador. This term I have had the pleasure of expanding my region to a continental level. Therefore, now my reports will be able to focus on larger action and initiatives which transcend borders. It is important to note that behind this macroscopic change is microscopic change that intergovernmental initiatives are supported by individual initiatives. Environmental issues concern all people, not just people from certain countries. This article is regarding one such issue: air pollution.

Air pollution is perhaps one of the greatest environmental concerns which has stemmed from the human environmental and climate influences. Air pollution is formally defined as the release of the biological or chemical particulates and agents in the Earth?s atmosphere which may be harmful to human health or other organisms. Though air pollution can originate from natural sources, human influences such as energy production through fossil fuels, continue to release these polluting particulates in the atmosphere and the air which we breathe. From causing concern about the depletion of the ozone as well as the increased indications of disease associated with reduced air quality, air pollution is a cause where everyone must be aware and involved to create change because every living and breathing individual is a stakeholder.

In North America, the problem of air pollution is seemingly more pronounced in some regions than others. However, the nature of air pollution is such that it is an issue associated with the atmosphere. The dynamic nature of the atmosphere leads to issues which involve numerous regions outside the location releasing pollutants. An example of this comes in an air pollution issue which was noted originating in Canada and affecting Sweden. The emissions of SO2 from the Inco smelter (pictured below) in Sudbury, Ontario in Canada was noted to produce acid rain in Scandinavian countries. This is an example of how emissions (and pollutants in other cases) can affect regions around the world.

Furthermore, the issue of air pollution is most defined in the American city of Los Angeles (LA). LA has unhealthy issue of air pollution issue of smog. The region suffers from the environmental phenomena of atmospheric inversion the normal change in the properties of the atmosphere occurring with the change in altitude are not seen. That is to say that colder air may be seen closer to the ground in the case of an inversion and hence may create smog conditions close to the ground. This smog issue in LA has recently been curbed by the legislation of the State of California introduced to implement low emission vehicles and aggressive steps taken to create mass transit.

The initiatives which monitor and set the standards for the maximum concentrations of specific pollutants in the atmosphere such as United States? National Ambient Air Quality Standards create a governmental effort to reduce air pollution and protect public health. This is a proactive measure which attempts to ensure that unhealthy and dangerous pollutant levels are never reached.

However, another type of initiative is required to ensure that if unhealthy levels of pollutants are noticed, that the public is protected. The steps which have been taken by Canada are an excellent example another way of how we can manage the risks to human health which are linked to air pollution. The national project of the Air Quality Health Index is coordinated at a national level by Environment Canada as well as Health Canada and provides the public with an advisory regarding the health risks of air pollution in their region for short term intervals. This program depends on a unity and cooperation of the various levels of government from municipal to national to reduce the health risks posed by pollutants. The program issues a scale from 1 to 10+ to indicate the levels and risk of pollution and the associated steps which one should take during the time period where risks may be high in order to ensure their health is not compromised.

Around the world, air pollution is capable of causing deaths. Various human activities such as energy production based on fossil fuels as well as the activity of smelting cause pollution in the Earth?s atmosphere. Stratospheric ozone depletion due to pollutants such as chlorofluorocarbons is already a cause of concern to human health, creating a risk of increased exposure to UV rays. However, from cardiovascular to respiratory issues, pollution is estimated to cause 7 million deaths worldwide every year.

However, it is important to note that the issue of air pollution is not localized since it is an issue associate with the dynamic atmosphere. It can affect people all around the world and pollutant released in one area can have devastating effects on regions around the world. Increasing awareness on these issues as well as advocating for more aggressive steps to be taken to reduce pollution, such transportation legislation introduced by the State of California, are required on a national and international scale. With the upcoming Paris Climate Conference, it is expected at global action to reduce pollution will be discussed. However, the polluting aspects of the energy and transportation sectors have become backbone of economies and society as a whole.  Creating meaningful change will be difficult. However, when a problem reaches a level where it claims millions of human lives, devastates ecosystems and biodiversity, and damages the earth we must take action to solve it. North America faces many pollution issues however the steps being taken by organizations and governments move us towards the goal of reducing pollution. Now it is up to us to ensure that these steps are implemented and enforced, ensuring a healthier future for generations to come.

Kindest Regards,

Nitish Bhatt 

photo credit: northernlife.ca
inco smelter

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  • says :
    Nice report, Its a good thing that the Canadian government has developed policies to reduce air pollution. Thank you Nitish.
    Posted 01-10-2015 06:51

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Thanks for the report Nitish!!! Great to know about the North American perspective regarding air pollution! Lets keep working green! =)
    Posted 09-09-2015 03:18

  • says :
    Air pollution is a huge environmental problem today.The need of the hour is to take measures in order to curb it.Decreasing air quality is harmful for living organisms too.Hence we need to stop it.
    Thanks for the detailed report!
    Posted 08-09-2015 19:58

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Project/Program 'Air Quality Health Index' advising public with health risks , is a good initiative by Environment Canada & Health Canada . Air pollution is indeed a serious challenge being faced by almost all nations . We at individual level can do lots to improve the situation like reducing use of chemical sprays , synthetic cleaning agents, fossil fuels etc. Thanks for a well written report, Nitish.
    Posted 08-09-2015 18:51

  • says :
    Congratulations and great report
    Posted 08-09-2015 09:02

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