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One person=how many trees to be planted

by | 09-09-2015 00:47 recommendations 0

Planting trees and carbon offsets are great ideas. But unfortunately, there are a lot of things that cannot be undone. We cannot bring back the species whom we hunted down to extinction. Nor can we give back most of the land we took from the wild. However we can try and minimize the anthropogenic forcing on the climate and earth system today. To offset the amount of CO2 that we're presently adding, here's an average number of trees for you

We'd need around 950 billion Gravellia Robustas or 136 of them for every person on earth. Or around 1 billion hectare of tropical pine and eucalyptus forest. That would be a dense forest as big as the size of Canada.

But we need to take all these numbers with caution... 

  • The solution is at best, temporary. The CO2 sequestered just enters the carbon cycle. A forest fire, the forest dies, and all the sequestered CO2 is back into the atmosphere.

  • The carbon inventory is not well understood. Sometimes it has been proposed that more carbon is present in the soil of forests than biomass above the soil. So forestation on these soils can disrupt the carbon sequestered and release it.

  • CO2 sequestered may not mean lower temperatures. An important factor is albedo or 'whiteness' of the planet. Forests increases planet's albedo by helping in the formation of clouds. But forests also trap heat near the ground because of its dark canopies. So moving towards higher latitudes, canopies can actually raise the temperature even though they sequester CO2. So, every tree has a place if we do not want added trouble. We need to consider the effect that particular tree would have on the local ecosystem too.

  • Planting of high maintenance trees might end up resulting in more CO2 added to the atmosphere.

Now to get to those numbers, lets assume earth's radius as 6x10^6 m, and atmospheric pressure as 10^5 Pa. We get the total mass of the atmosphere to be around 4.5 x 10^18 kg (Atm. pressure x Surface area of earth = mass of atmosphere x gravitational acceleration).

CO2 concentration projections in Mona Loa time series from NOAA's earth system research laboratory is shown below.

Assuming we start planting the needed amount of trees today, and it takes 12.5 years for the trees to attain maturity, around 50 ppmv additional CO2 is added to the atmosphere. 50ppmv would be around 0.75 x 10^(-4) by mass percentage. (molar mass of CO2 is around 1.5 times average molar mass of air). So multiplied by 4.5 x 10^18 kg, we have 3.375 x 10^14 kg of CO2 added in 12.5 years.

CO2 sequestered per tree or by a forest area depends on the species of the tree you're considering.Here is a relation taking into consideration some of the tree variables, 
CO2(kg/single tree) = 0.1676 x (Diameter at breast height)^(2.4799)

Given by Myers and Goreau, a tropical tree plantation of pine and eucalyptus sequesters around 10 tons of carbon per hectare every year. That would be  33260.114 kg CO2/hectare/year. Assuming it absorbed at the same rate every year (which is not the case, rates are really slow in the beginning), we have 415751.425 kg CO2 absorbed in 12.5 years per hectare. So to absorb  3.375 x 10^14 kg CO2, we'd need .8118 billion hectares of forest. (Overlooking other carbon sinks) Presently we have 3.885 billion hectares of forests left. So that's an increase of 20.8% of forest area (It would be more than that since the forest absorbs slowly in the beginning, not all forests sequesters the huge amount of CO2, lot of present forests are already failing). So I guess it'd be around 25-30%. So that'd be approximately, 1 billion hectares. In number of trees, considering a 45 feet tall Gravellia Robusta, that sequesters 29.3 kg CO2 per year, we'd need to plant around 922 billion trees. On a safe side lets assume 950 billion. So that becomes 136 trees per person considering earth's human population to be 7 billion.

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  • says :
    Dear Sakshi, Thank you for this informative report along with the data and calculation. Though Carbon inventory is not fully understood, choosing the suitable trees according to the geographical structure and requirements can be an option for climate change mitigation. But like you said this might be temporary as plants being natural object may undergo death and depletion so pemanent solution we have is reducing emissions as much as we can :)
    Posted 10-09-2015 16:35

  • says :
    Thanks for informative report Sakshi.
    Planting tree is something that you will never regret
    Posted 09-09-2015 23:05

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    I believe planting local trees is a better idea as per this report & as per my understanding also.
    Local vegetation is more suitable for adopting & contributing to sustainability.
    Statistical & scientific report indeed, Sakshi. You have take care to explain the scientific jargon in simple form as well, Thanks a lot.
    Posted 09-09-2015 14:14

  • says :
    Stay green guys
    Posted 09-09-2015 09:08

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Interesting report mate!! Great information! Keep sharing and working green! =D
    Posted 09-09-2015 03:37

  • says :
    thanks for a detailed informative report... I was not aware that we need 136 robustas per person. Made me more serious now.
    Posted 09-09-2015 02:27

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for a very informative, statistically rich report .OMG-950 billion trees . This proves the extent of damage done to planet.
    Posted 09-09-2015 02:11

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